In the last month, we've registered as a limited company, hosted 3 webinars, and attended #Euromar2023, and the Twitter conference held by Global NMR Discussion Meetings, #globalnmrTC2023.
… Not to mention, working on new ideas!
So far, we've had a great summer!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #NMROnline #physics #StructuralBiology
#euromar2023 #globalnmrtc2023 #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #nmronline #physics #structuralbiology
Given the level of interest, and the responses we got, we know we're moving in the right direction with #NMROnline – ELECTRO.
Thank you to everyone who viewed our poster and demo at
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#nmronline #euromar2023 #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
EUROMAR 2023 – POSTER: P-122
Introducing 3D protein assignment, running on the iPad!
Atom types identified, pseudoresidues paired, we can now run Markus Zweckstetter's MARS.
See the demo. Try the software… TODAY!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #Euromar2023 #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #NMROnline #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #euromar2023 #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #nmronline #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
EUROMAR 2023 – POSTER: P-122
We're excited to reveal the ELECTRO poster + it's available online:
If you're at #Euromar2023, talk to Simon, see the demo, try the software!
feat. ChemEx, Mars, Data Manager and MORE!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #NMROnline #physics #StructuralBiology
#euromar2023 #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #nmronline #physics #structuralbiology
Check out POSTER: P-122… today!
Talk to Simon. See the demo. Try the software.
#euromar2023 #NMR #NMRchat #nmronline
Happy #Euromar2023, everyone!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #NMROnline #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#euromar2023 #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #nmronline #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
EUROMAR 2023 – POSTER: P-122
It's time to go. Next stop, Glasgow!
See you there!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #Euromar2023 #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #NMROnline #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #euromar2023 #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #nmronline #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
EUROMAR 2023 – POSTER: P-122
… and with the printing of business cards and stickers, not only are we ready for #Euromar2023, NMR Online Limited now feels real!
See you there, #NMR friends!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #metabolomics #NMRChat #NMROnline #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#euromar2023 #NMR #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #metabolomics #NMRchat #nmronline #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
#NMROnline not only engineers software using a tech-and-test first approach, we're also a visual brand.
With that in mind, and in time for #Euromar2023, we've opted to join #Instagram and #Threads!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#nmronline #euromar2023 #instagram #threads #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
EUROMAR 2023 – POSTER: P-122
Discover more. Talk to Simon, and see #NMROnline – ELECTRO running on an iPad!
… which now includes a quick trip to MARS!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #Euromar2023 #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#nmronline #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #euromar2023 #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
EUROMAR 2023 – POSTER: P-122
With only a few days to go, it looks like we have something new to show…
To find out more, talk to Simon, and get a MARS bar at #Euromar2023!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #NMROnline #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#euromar2023 #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #nmronline #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
In addition to making final preparations for #Euromar2023, we're also making preparations to host 2 further #NMROnline – ELECTRO webinar presentations next week!
The ELECTRO DEMO is going well, too!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#euromar2023 #nmronline #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
… and in record time, we've created and submitted our #Euromar2023 poster!
To celebrate, we're having Eton Mess, with fresh strawberries picked straight from the #garden.
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @gardening @nmrchat @physics @plants @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #gardening #GardeningMastodon #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #NMROnline #physics #plants #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#euromar2023 #garden #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #gardening #gardeningmastodon #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #nmronline #physics #plants #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
Though we've finished engineering what we want to present at the ELECTRO #webinar, and what we want to show at #euromar2023, we're continuing to make refinements and add new features to #NMROnline – ELECTRO!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#webinar #euromar2023 #nmronline #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
Though we've finished engineering what we want to present at the ELECTRO #webinar, and what we want to show at #Euromar2023, we're continuing to make refinements and add new features to #NMROnline – ELECTRO!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#webinar #euromar2023 #nmronline #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
We've FINISHED building the technical-side of #NMROnline – ELECTRO!
To be one of the first to SEE and TRY our web-based #NMR data analysis platform:
>> DM us TODAY to attend our #webinar (22nd June, 15:00 UK time)
>> See us at #Euromar2023
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #metabolomics #NMRChat #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#nmronline #NMR #webinar #euromar2023 #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #metabolomics #NMRchat #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
We've FINISHED engineering the MVP (Minimum Viable Product).
SEE & TRY ELECTRO at our #webinar!
>> 22nd June 2023, 15:00 (UK) – DM to attend
SEE & TRY ELECTRO at #Euromar2023!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @biophysicists @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio @structbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#nmronline #webinar #euromar2023 #biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev
THE WEBINAR – 22nd June 2023, 15:00 (UK time):
SEE our presentation. TRY ELECTRO!
SEE our poster. TALK to Simon. TRY ELECTRO!
>> DM for details!
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #Euromar2023 #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #NMROnline #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev #webinar
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #euromar2023 #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #nmronline #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev #webinar
@jon @wolfgangcramer
The journey Strasbourg-Lisbon is planned end of October, so it's still too early to book tickets. However, everything I've seen is hopeless...
However, my next trip is Strasbourg-Glasgow to the #euromar2023 meeting. This will be a breeze - less than 12 hours, faster than plane !
#trainbubble #flyless #euromar2023
@bioinformatics @biophysics @chemistry @compchem @nmrchat @physics @strucbio
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #CompChem #Euromar2023 #metabolomics #NMR #NMRChat #NMROnline #physics #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #StructuralBiology #WebDev
#biochemistry #bioinformatics #biology #biophysics #chemistry #compchem #euromar2023 #metabolomics #NMR #NMRchat #nmronline #physics #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #structuralbiology #webdev