Kurz überlegt, welcher Sinn hinter der URL Europa real life.eu steckt #europarl
European Parliament: Special Multilingual Europe Day Show from Brussels and Strasbourg, May 6-13, 2023
#shortwaveradio #robertaspogorelis #europeday #europarl
"In that context [competitive pressure], CBDCs could be seen as a potential public policy solution to preserve the role of public money and monetary sovereignty in the fast-evolving digitalised economy. ..." https://europarl.europa.eu/cmsdata/265568/EN_%20Background%20notes%202023%20EPW.pdf
#digitalEuro #CBDC #digitalcurrency #retailCBDC #cryptoassets #digitalassets #fintech #banking #financialservices #payments #digitalfinance #paymentsystems #crossborderpayments #regulation #cyberrisk #EuropeanParliament #Europarl #Europe #Euroarea #centralbanks
#centralbanks #euroarea #Europe #europarl #europeanparliament #cyberrisk #regulation #crossborderpayments #paymentsystems #digitalfinance #payments #financialservices #banking #fintech #digitalassets #cryptoassets #retailcbdc #digitalcurrency #cbdc #digitaleuro
REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 as regards requirements for credit risk, credit valuation adjustment risk, operational risk, market risk and the output floor, European Parliament, February 9, 2023
— Available here: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/A-9-2023-0030_EN.html
#cryptoassets #digitalassets #emoney #riskmanagement #regulation #banking #financialservices #payments #MiCA #Europarl #EuropeanParliament #BCBS #Euroarea #Europe
#Europe #euroarea #BCBS #europeanparliament #europarl #mica #payments #financialservices #banking #regulation #riskmanagement #emoney #digitalassets #cryptoassets
Portail open-data du Parlement européen https://tinyurl.com/2ndeop5e #EuroParl #ParlementEuropéen #OpenData
#europarl #parlementeuropeen #opendata
PEGA-Untersuchungsausschuss: „Bedrohung für die Grundrechte und Grundprinzipien des EU-Rechts“
"Staatstrojaner gefährden Grundrechte, die Demokratie und den Rechtsstaat. Das ist das Fazit der zweiten Studie, die der Pegasus-Untersuchungsschuss im Europäischen Parlament in Auftrag gegeben hat. Gestern präsentierte der Hauptautor, Giovanni Sartor ... die Ergebnisse."
#untersuchungsausschuss #pegasus #PEGA #europarl #staatstrojaner #grundrechte #demokratie #rechtsstaat
#rechtsstaat #demokratie #grundrechte #staatstrojaner #europarl #pega #pegasus #untersuchungsausschuss
Great news from the #Europarl few days ago: the fact, that #RussiaIsAterroristState has now been openly declared by the #EuropeanParliament. #WarInUkraine
#europarl #RussiaIsATerroristState #europeanparliament #WARINUKRAINE
European Parliament adopts Digital decade 2030 roadmap
#europarl #digitaldecade2030 #digitaldecade #europa
#europa #DigitalDecade #DigitalDecade2030 #europarl
Glavni halo se dela za državnozborske in predsedniške volitve, kar je po eni strani (vsaj historično) logično.
Po drugi pa me čudi in žalosti, ker je večina zakonodaje usklajena z #EU, tako, da za velike spremembe bi bilo poudarjat volitve (in dogajanje!) v #EuroParl, za neposredne lokalne spremembe pa lokalne volitve.
Pri tem pa niti splošna javnost niti mediji ni videt, da dajo kaj zelo na evropsko ali lokalno raven :blobsad:
EU parliament adopts new law to strengthen EU-wide resilience
The legislation [..] will set tighter cybersecurity obligations for risk management, reporting obligations and information sharing. The requirements cover incident response, supply chain security, encryption and vulnerability disclosure [..].
After Parliament’s approval, Council also has to formally adopt the law [..].
#eu #europarl #NIS2 #cybersecurity #legislation
Good summary of this week's quite mixed bag on forest protection by the European Parliament and some of the contradictions in it all by @GreenpeaceEU's @SiniErajaa - forests are valuable on so many levels and policy can't be left to the forest industry and bioenergy lobbies.
RT @SiniErajaa
This week's plenary in #EuroParl was quite a week for 🌳forests🌳 with curiously mixed outcomes.
The Parliament seems well motivated to fight glo…
Es gab auch noch etwas politisches Programm: das Europäische Parlament
RT @vinceppfr@twitter.com
Dites voir les @RenewEurope@twitter.com, ça veut dire quoi votre silence gêné d'hier autour des conflits d'intérêt du premier ministre tchèque Babiš ? 🤨 @NathalieLoiseau@twitter.com @pcanfin@twitter.com @MariePierreV@twitter.com @CathChabaud@twitter.com @enmarchefr@twitter.com #europarl #babis https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/fr/press-room/20210517IPR04145/conflict-of-interest-and-misuse-of-eu-funds-the-case-of-czech-pm-babis
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/vinceppfr/status/1395339495826919426
RT @xavidomenech99@twitter.com
President @KRLS@twitter.com intervé en anglès al #EuroParl, acte seguit la Montserrat, tota sofocada, li contesta en castellà. Pq no ho fa en anglés? Doncs per reivindicar la parla "q a todos nos une", fòrmula "castiza" per disimular q no tens ni puta idea d'anglès més enllà del "jaguar yú"
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/xavidomenech99/status/1352024032196108291
#EESC = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Economic_and_Social_Committee#Critique_of_the_EESC
2020-09-30 "#Poland and Commission clash over official accused of harassment at EU body" https://www.politico.eu/article/jacek-krawczyk-eesc-poland-and-commission-clash-over-official-accused-of-harassment/ (archive: https://archive.today/WPzr0)
discharge = #EuroParl budgetary committee approval of the accounts of the EESC
2020-06-26 "Belgium opens criminal proceedings into claims of harassment at EU body" https://www.politico.eu/article/jacek-krawczyk-belgian-prosecutor-opens-criminal-procedure-over-harassment-at-eu-body/ (archive: https://archive.today/Xzvol)
Jacek Krawczyk (pl only): https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacek_Piotr_Krawczyk