Erinnerst sich noch wer an meine Versuche mit #Europass?
Die müssen was massiv geändert haben.
Geht ganz schick, jetzt auch mit #TOR exit.
Ich habs heute mal versucht ohne Anmeldung geht das ganz schick und wenn man nicht weiss, wo man steht, gibts nen Test.
Ok, er ist nu kein Assestmentcenter, aber hat was.
Ich hab mich dem unterworfen und siehe da:
Naja - ein wenig geht noch, aber auf Los gehts los...
The MICRO QUEST Network is a free online platform on which education providers can showcase their micro-credential offers and exchange new insights as well as opinions. Keep up to date with the latest development in the field of micro-credentials, share your offers and experiences with others, and become an ambassador at #microcredential #europass #lifelonglearning
#microcredential #europass #lifelonglearning
The MICRO QUEST Network is a free online platform on which education providers can showcase their micro-credential offers and exchange new insights as well as opinions. Keep up to date with the latest development in the field of micro-credentials, share your offers and experiences with others, and become an ambassador at #microcredential #europass #lifelonglearning
#microcredential #europass #lifelonglearning
The MICRO QUEST Network is a free online platform on which education providers can showcase their micro-credential offers and exchange new insights as well as opinions. Keep up to date with the latest development in the field of micro-credentials, share your offers and experiences with others, and become an ambassador at #microcredential #europass #lifelonglearning
#lifelonglearning #europass #microcredential
Quand le champ d'autocompletion pour faire ton CV #europass te troll grave.
Quand le champ d'autocompletion pour faire ton CV #europass te troll grave.
Modèles de #CV pour #Writer de #LibreOffice saison ultime (?)
Une présentation des #modèles avec un #tutoriel sur les ancres, les encrages et les filets, une parue sur #Europass et des statistiques pour ce que ça peut servir.
Et aussi des interrogations sur d'autres modèles, n’hésitez pas à venir commenter.
#europass #tutoriel #modeles #libreoffice #writer #cv
Test your digital skills | Europass
Take this simple test that will help you understand your digital skills level.
#test #DigitalEU #digitalliteracy #DigitalSkills #europass
Test your digital skills | Europass
Take this simple test that will help you understand your digital skills level.
#test #digitalliteracy #digutalskills #europass
Bei unseren Kolleg*innen von #Europass läuft gerade eine Machbarkeitsstudie zum European Digital Skills Certificate ⏩ Teilnahme erwünscht!
Et hop un nouveau #modèle de #CV. Celui-ci est en deux colonnes qui sont des sections. Les robots et les dispositifs d'assistance vont l'adorer. Il suit d'assez près la mise en forme d'un modèle #Europass et, bien évidemment, le contenu est conforme à ces prescriptions.
Il est illustrée par le parcours de la botaniste chinoise Shiu-Ying Hu.
PS : si vous n'aimez pas le rose, ça se modifie facilement.
I'm from Europe so there's the nice online #europass tool.
I'm getting too old for LaTeX. 😉
@EU_Commission Hope you are the guys to write to about this.
#Europass requires #2FA which is great, but why is the app
a. #closedsource and not #opensource
b. Only available on Google Play?
And why do I need a separate, specialized app to login? There are lots of #TOTP apps out there already that do NOT require a phone.
#totp #opensource #closedsource #2fa #europass
Rather amateuristic on an EU-managed (aka government) portal. Probably human oversight, but still.
#europass #eu #interoperability