Tails 31st December 2022: G-AZMF, British Aircraft Corporation BAC1-11-530FX, European Airways, at Luton Airport, some time in the late 1990s.
#Luton #LTN #EGGW #BritishAircraftCorporation #BAC111 #EAL #EuropeanAirways
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting
#luton #ltn #eggw #britishaircraftcorporation #bac111 #eal #europeanairways #avgeek #aviation #planespotting
Bonus Photo of the Day 26th November 2022: G-OBEA, British Aerospace Jetstream J31, European Airways, at Manchester Airport, some time between September 1994 and June 1998.
#manchester #man #egcc #BritishAerospace #bae #jetstream #j31 #EuropeanAirways
#manchester #man #egcc #britishaerospace #bae #jetstream #j31 #europeanairways
Bonus Photo of the Day 2019-10-04.
G-AZMF, British Aircraft Corporation BAC 1-11-530FX, European Airlines, at Luton Airport, late 1990s.
#avgeek #planespotting #potd #lutonAirport #ltn #eggw #britishAircraftCorporation #bac111 #europeanAirways
#europeanairways #bac111 #britishaircraftcorporation #eggw #ltn #lutonairport #potd #planespotting #avgeek