#EuropeanColonialization, #Colonialization, #Genocide, #NewWorld, #Capitalism, #Imperialism, #Taino, #TainoPeople, #Carribean, #EuropeanRacism, #EthnicCleansing
Annihilation by Labor
New research suggests, that even though most indigenous people in the colonies died of european diseases, way more people died in the mines then expected and those who died by a disease had a lack of immune system because of the daily physical exploitation and destruction.
Citation Wikipedia:
"While the populations of Europe rebounded following the devastating population decline associated with the Black Death, there was no such rebound for the indigenous populations of the Caribbean. He concludes that, even though the Spanish were aware of deadly diseases such as smallpox, there is no mention of them in the New World until 1519, meaning perhaps they didn't spread as fast as initially believed, and that unlike Europeans, the indigenous populations were subjected to slavery, exploitation, and forced labor in gold and silver mines on an enormous scale." (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ta%C3%ADno)
#europeancolonialization #colonialization #genocide #newworld #capitalism #imperialism #taino #tainopeople #carribean #europeanracism #ethniccleansing