Take the latest STM #EarlyCareer #Publishing survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3SD2BC2
Results from previous surveys were published in ESE: https://ese.arphahub.com/article/79315/
#Survey #EuropeanScienceEditing #STMAssociation #PublishingLife #PublishingCareers
#earlycareer #publishing #survey #europeanscienceediting #stmassociation #publishinglife #publishingcareers
This viewpoint in European Science Editing makes an argument for open review practices mediating the hotly debated question of whether editors-in-chief should publish in their own journals.
A potential solution to this age-old problem.
#EuropeanScienceEditing #PeerReview #PublicationEthics #ConflictsOfInterest #COI #OpenPeerReview
#europeanscienceediting #peerreview #PublicationEthics #conflictsofinterest #coi #OpenPeerReview
A new European Science Editing original article investigates differences in peer review times between papers with male or female first authors across 1100 articles from 5 physical sciences journals.
#PeerReview #WomenInSTEM #WomenInPhysics #PhysicalScience #EuropeanScienceEditing #AcademicMastodon
#peerreview #womeninSTEM #womeninphysics #physicalscience #europeanscienceediting #AcademicMastodon
A new Review paper in European Science Editing from Tom Lang discusses the serious impacts of inaccuracies and discrepancies between cited and source materials, and problems of bias in selecting sources.
Advice for when and where sources should be cited is offered.
#EuropeanScienceEditing #TomLang #ScienceEditing #Citations #Referencing #ScienceWriting
#europeanscienceediting #tomlang #ScienceEditing #citations #referencing #sciencewriting