Festa dell’#Europa2023: primo premio al bar Ginetta
Secondo bar Villetti, terzo Dumpling bar. Spritz & Chips il più popolare
#EuropeDay 2023: first prize at the Ginetta bar
Villetti bar second, Dumpling bar third. Spritz & Chips the most popular
27-5-2023 8:0 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/feedservice/compilations/1/ https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/macerata/cronaca/festa-delleuropa-2023-primo-premio-al-bar-ginetta-593c8b52
RT @RenewEurope: For us, every day is #EuropeDay! That's why we work on a more united
Historic and heroic. 🇪🇺
RT @EU_Commission@twitter.com
Today is #EuropeDay.
On this day in 1950, Robert Schuman delivered his famous Declaration – a historic moment in European history that set the foundation for the EU as we know it today.
Only through unity and solidarity are we able to maintain the European project.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission/status/1655822406982705155
#ヨーロッパ・デー を祝いましょう🇪🇺 エマーソン・レイク&パーマーによるプログレッシヴ・ロックの伝説的作品、“キエフの大門”です。#EuropeDay
The Great Gates of Kiev (Live At Newcastle City Hall, 1971)
We join all those celebrating #EuropeDay
The #EU is a unique and essential partner to #NATO. We share a majority of members, have common values and face similar threats and challenges
ℹ️ https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_49217.htm
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NATO/status/1655854795037745152
@type und auch gleich wunderschön transkribiert auf #wikisource: https://de.wikisource.org/wiki/An_die_Freude_(Schiller)
@EU_Commission Happy #EuropeDay to the brave people of #Ukraine who are paying in blood to protect the values we Europeans hold so dear, and to other fellow #Europeans, whether or not (back) in the union (yet).
#europeday #ukraine #europeans
More information and the link to the live stream:
9 May is coming up. #europeday. Did you miss the last "Speech to #Europe" in 2019 by #TimothySnyder? It was breathtaking. It was an "I was there!" #event and the speech was included into the collection "Speeches That Shaped Europe" of the #europeanparliament . Finally, post-pandemic, there comes the next "Speech to Europe", live on Judenplatz in the heart of #vienna : listen - on Europe Day - to Oleksandra Matviichuk (#NobelPeacePrize 2022, #humanrights #fighter)! There is also a live stream.
#europeday #europe #timothysnyder #event #europeanparliament #Vienna #nobelpeaceprize #HumanRights #fighter
#EuropeDay Open Day | @portugalnaue thanks everyone who represented 🇵🇹 on this 🇪🇺 Open Day: Azores in the EU, Madeira in the EU , Turismo de Portugal and Porto Metropolitan Area in the EU. We also appreciate all the colleagues who joined us on this Open Day.
RT @EURLex@twitter.com
#EuropeDay is on #9May, the day we mark the birth of the world’s greatest story of diplomacy: the EU. It started with the 'Schuman Declaration': Robert Schuman proposed the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community.
Find the treaty on @EURLex@twitter.com
➡️ https://europa.eu/!BQHc6K
European Parliament: Special Multilingual Europe Day Show from Brussels and Strasbourg, May 6-13, 2023
#shortwaveradio #robertaspogorelis #europeday #europarl
RT @EUClimateAction
Want to know how we're making Europe greener?💚
Join us on May 6 in #Brussels to celebrate #EuropeDay and learn how 🇪🇺 is:
🌍tackling climate change
🐝protecting biodiversity
⚡boosting clean energy
🍏 making our food systems healthier
Did you know there's an #EuropeDay to celebrate all things #EU? And apparently, you can order a free EU flag to show your support in Germany and Austria: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/Europatag2023_ZeigFlagge
Activists and journalists, @politica_media and #Feygin, report increase in russian disinformation campaign against Ukrainian refugees fleeing the russian invasion & missile attacks.
Kremlin funds bot farms, creation of fake #META profiles & fake news websites to spread #fakenews.
#Ukraine #russianinvasion #RussianPropaganda #EU #europeday
#feygin #meta #fakenews #ukraine #russianinvasion #russianpropaganda #eu #europeday
Activists and journalists, @politica_media and #Feygin, report increase in russian disinformation campaign against Ukrainian refugees fleeing the russian invasion & missile attacks.
Kremlin funds bot farms, creation of fake #META profiles & fake news websites to spread #fakenews.
#Ukraine #russianinvasion #RussianPropaganda #EU #europeday
#feygin #meta #fakenews #ukraine #russianinvasion #russianpropaganda #eu #europeday
🌲-Zeit =🇪🇺-Zeit! Kultivierte Zeit, um 🇪🇺-#Kultur mit 👨👩👧👦via 🇪🇺#HausParlamente 🏡zu leben: 🌲Braucht es #EuropeDay? 🌲Mehr #EUNarratives statt nur nationaler Geschichte? 🌲Mehr 🚅 bei #EUIntegration? 👉http://kurzelinks.de/u372 👉http://kurzelinks.de/g05n Q&A: 👉hp@pulseofeurope.eu
#kultur #hausparlamente #europeday #eunarratives #euintegration
It’s happening : ARTE Europe Weekly
In it:
#europeday #UkraineRussia #war #bicycles #design
Es ist nun winterlich kalt draußen - eine perfekte Zeit für heiße Diskussionen mit Familie & Freunden in 7. #EuropeanHomeParliaments von #PulseOfEurope!
#EuropeanHomeParliaments #pulseofeurope #hausparlamente #EUvision #europeday #EUHistory #euvalues #eunarrative #euculture #euintegration