@EELV je viens de lire que votre secrétaire n'est pas favorable à une liste commune aux européennes. Mais si vous divisez nos voix entre 2 ou 3 candidats, dans de nombreuses circonscriptions il y en aura 0 au second tour. Une élection n'est pas un sondage, c'est une compétition pour les voix. Ne vous faites pas compétition entre vous. Il nous faut plus de députés sensibles à la cause climatique et sociale en Europe ! #EuropeElects #eelvlyon #NUPES
#NUPES #eelvlyon #europeelects
✨#Turkey ✨
MetroPOLL poll:
Presidential election
Kılıçdaroğlu (CHP-S&D): 52% (+3)
Erdoğan (AKP~NI): 48% (-3)
+/- vs. February 2023
Via #EuropeElects
”Finland, national parliament election 2 April:
Preliminary turnout after final day in early voting period:
2015: 31.9%
2019: 35.7%
2023: 39.9%
The early voting has ended with a new record.”
Source: Finnish Ministry of Justice
#Finland #vaalit23 #vaalit2023 #eduskuntavaalit2023
#EuropeElects #FinPol
#finpol #europeelects #eduskuntavaalit2023 #vaalit2023 #vaalit23 #finland
Wir feiern heute mit unseren sozialliberalen Freunden von Eesti 200 ihren beeindruckenen Wahlerfolg!
Ein gutes Zeichen für die weitere Festigung von #Estland als Liberaler Vorreiter in Osteuropa. 🇪🇪
#eesti #europeelects #estonia #estland
Damn, almost half of Estonians have already voted in today's #election, says #EuropeElects.
And the most recent poll suggests the result will be:
R-RE: 33 (gov)
K-RE: 19
E200→RE: 11
I-EPP: 8 (gov)
SDE-S&D: 7 (gov)
This would give the three government parties 48 and not a majority. So if Kallas wants to stay in power she will need to make sure the opposition doesn't unite. Far-right EKRE was briefly in government before so she can't rely on them being isolated.
#estonia #europeelects #election
#Greece is a kind of anti-Sweden. In this #Nordic country the Social Democrats used to be able to form a government despite being in a minority because the other parties were so splintered.
Now in Greece the left-wing parties poll 49% but the government party on 36% will survive because the left can't stand each other. #EuropeElects #EuPol
#EUPOL #europeelects #nordic #greece
#mastopolling #europeelects #poland #plpol
Poland (18-20 Nov 2022; 1000 sample size)
Pollster: United Surveys (for wp.pl)
🟪 ZP (PiS) - 33%
🟦 KO (PO) - 27%
🟨 Polska 2050 - 12%
🟥 Lewica - 9%
🟦 PSL - 5%
⚪ Konfederacja - 4%
⚪ AGROunia - 1%
⭕ others - 9%
#plpol #Poland #europeelects #mastopolling
#mastopolling #europeelects #austria #atpol
Austria (7-9 Nov 2022; 2000 sample size)
Pollster: Market
🟥 SPÖ - 27%
⬛ FPÖ - 25%
🟦 ÖVP - 22%
🟨 NEOS - 12%
🟩 Die Grünen - 10%
⚪ MFG - 1%
⭕ others - 3%
#atpol #austria #europeelects #mastopolling
#mastopolling #europeelects #netherlands #nlpol
Netherlands (11-14 Nov 2022; 1841 sample size)
Pollster: I&O Research
🟨 VVD - 14%
⬛ PVV - 12%
🟩 GL - 9%
⚪ BBB - 8%
🟨 D66 - 8%
🟪 JA21 - 7%
🟥 PvdA - 7%
🟤 SP - 6%
🟫 PvdD - 5%
🟦 CDA - 5%
🟦 CU - 4%
⚪ FvD - 3%
🟪 SGP - 3%
🟩 Volt - 3%
⚪ DENK - 2%
🔵 50+ - 1%
⚪ BIJ1 - 1%
⚪ BVNL - 1%
⭕ others - 3%
#nlpol #netherlands #europeelects #mastopolling
#mastopolling #europeelects #germany #depol
Germany (14-18 Nov 2022; 1314 sample size)
Pollster: INSA/YouGov
🟦 CDU/CSU - 28%
🟥 SPD - 20%
🟩 Die Grünen - 17%
⬛ AfD - 15%
🟨 FDP - 7%
🟫 Die Linke - 5%
⭕ others - 8%
#depol #Germany #europeelects #mastopolling
#mastopolling #europeelects #poland #plpol
Poland (14-15 Nov 2022; 1100 sample size)
🟪 ZP (PiS) - 33.8%
🟦 KO (PO) - 27.6%
🟥 Lewica - 10.1%
🟨 Polska 2050 - 9.6%
🟦 PSL - 6.6%
⚪ Konfederacja - 4.3%
⭕ others - 8%
#plpol #Poland #europeelects #mastopolling
#mastopolling #europeelects #germany #depol
Germany (11-14 Nov 2022; 2010 sample size)
Pollster: INSA/YouGov
🟦 CDU/CSU - 27.5%
🟥 SPD - 20.5%
🟩 Die Grünen - 17.5%
⬛ AfD - 15%
🟨 FDP - 7%
🟫 Die Linke - 4.5%
⭕ others - 8%
#depol #Germany #europeelects #mastopolling