Final words from @AndoniG_Arriola “People must be at the centre of policies, not markets and not private interests. And whilst there are still people fighting for that, there is hope” #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
Peter Schmidt “We always hear in meetings ‘Yes, you (Via Campsenia, CSOs) are right, we need to change.’ So why don’t we? It’s about interests and about the money in the food system. The Commission is following industry interests, and we can’t accept it.”
“20% of CAP recipients receive 80% of subsidies.” Powerful words from @BenoitBiteau at our event in the @EU_EESC - catch up with what you missed here: #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
Alessandra Turco, farmer and member of @assorurale in Italy. “For my 6 hectare farm I receive €256 euros of CAP subsidies, which more or less covers the admin costs of applying for the subsidy itself” - The CAP must better support small-scale farmers! #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
ECVC’s vision, represented in our manifesto, is about changing the food system from start to finish: “We can’t just look for good solutions in a harmful paradigm” @savignygenevi
Read more here:
Geneviève Savigny : "Beaucoup de jeunes nous disent que dans les formations agricoles, on leur répète toujours la même chose, et qu'ils et elles ne peuvent pas y apprendre l'agroécologie." #agroecologie #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
#agroecologie #europeneedsmorefarmers
For @IECarvalhais “Land grabbing and land concentration is the very denial of the rural world. It is not compatible with maintaining and developing rural areas”
Read our proposed land directive here:
From @IECarvalhais “Farmland markets needs to be more and better regulated to avoid depopulation of rural areas, ensure food security, create sustainable livelihoods, access for youth. This has been recognised by work done by @Europarl_EN, @FAO and CJEU.” #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
“Land is the key on which everything we are trying to achieve depends. We are here with our Land Directive proposal to offer solutions as small-scale farmers. We ask the EU to commit to working on the issue to ensure the future of the coming generations” #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
ECVC hands over our proposal for an EU Land Directive to Commissioner @jwojc. Small-scale farmers need access to land in order to produce healthy food for the population. @leafandrootfarm’s presentation of the directive to follow. #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
“We need to support mixed farming methods, with both animals and crops. We have to support the development of rural areas, to which small-farmers are key. We have to improve quality of life in rural areas, which is closely linked to farming” @jwojc #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
Response to @AndoniG_Arriola’s question on tools to ensure Europe has more farmers, @jwojc “We must base out approach on security, stability, sustainability and solidarity. It’s complex but this must include better support for small farmers in the CAP” #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
From @AndoniG_Arriola “We also have to talk about land. Without access to land there are no farmers That why today we are presenting our proposal for a European Land Directive.”
“Generational renewal is a huge issue. The average farmer in Europe is in their 50s. How will we ensure the goals of the #F2F are achieved if we don’t make real changes to get young people into farming? We need more farmers - by 2040, we want 10 mil more. #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
from @AndoniG_Arriola “It’s small-scale farmer who suffer the consequences, especially the effects of EU trade policy on prices. Investment funds and transnational companies are buying land and farms at an alarming rate. Is this the farming model we want?” #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
“We support the objectives of the #F2F strategy, but we don’t see sufficient mechanisms and tools to achieve them. We need regulation to ensure prices cover production costs and we need to change the status quo to achieve real change.” #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
Farmer @AndoniG_Arriola “We have to tackle the number of disappearing farmers - but we have hope. We are convinced, like many researchers, CSOs, allies and politicians, that small-scale farmers can help to tackle the crises that we are seeing today” #EuropeNeedsMoreFarmers
Peter Schmidt -“The @EU_EESC is on your side - we need a holistic approach to the food supply chain. We must support system change and have to tell back trackers there is no future in the old approach. Farmers are not the problem, they are the solution.”
Join us today to discuss the re-territorialisation of European food systems with farmers, @jwojc, MEPs and @EU_EESC representatives.
Follow the live stream from 10.30:
#europeneedsmorefarmers #rightsofpeasants