Eusebius of Emesa, "De Poenitentia" / "On Penitence" / "On Repentance" - now online in English
Eusebius of Emesa flourished in the 340s AD, and was identified with the anti-Nicene party. Only one of his works has survived in the original Greek, a short homily on penitence. The rest of his works existed only in fragments until Eligius...
#Eusebius of Emesa
Eusebius Pamphili (aka Eusebius of Caesarea, 260-340 CE) was a Christian historian, exegete, and polemicist. #History #Christianity #ConstantineI #Eusebius
#eusebius #constantinei #christianity #History
Graf on Arabic translations of Eusebius
In Graf's Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, vol. 1, p. 318, is a note on translations of Eusebius in Arabic. Here it is:
85. Eusebius, Bischof von Cäsarea (gest. 339 oder 340). Abu'l-Barakät, Katal. 648 erwähnt von ihm "Erklärungen zu den Abschnitten des heiligen Evangeliums und verschiedene Abhandlungen''. Mit den ersteren...
Eusebius Pamphili (aka Eusebius of Caesarea, 260-340 CE) was a Christian historian, exegete, and polemicist. #Christianity #ConstantineI #Eusebius #History
#History #eusebius #constantinei #christianity
#Kerst #nachtdiein De #Eusebius kerk in #Arnhem.
#arnhem #eusebius #nachtdiein #kerst