« BREAKING: Today 8 Greenpeace organisations filed a lawsuit at the European Court of Justice against the @EU_Commission to end gas and nuclear greenwashing.
It is time to fight the fake green label in court!
#EUTaxonomy #StopFakeGreen #NotMyTaxonomy https://t.co/RVq0VnELEu »
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#eutaxonomy #stopfakegreen #notmytaxonomy
« HAPPENING NOW: 8 Greenpeace organisations filed a lawsuit at the European Court of Justice against the @EU_Commission to end gas and nuclear greenwashing. It is time to fight the fake green label in court! #EUTaxonomy #StopFakeGreen #NotMyTaxonomy https://t.co/WJl2L9JjZ2 »
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#eutaxonomy #stopfakegreen #notmytaxonomy
EU draws criticism as it proposes green label for some aviation investments https://www.euractiv.com/section/aviation/news/eu-draws-criticism-as-it-proposes-green-label-for-some-aviation-investments/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #EUsustainablefinancetaxonomy #EUtaxonomy
#eusustainablefinancetaxonomy #eutaxonomy
Auch Greenpeace Schweiz findet: #Atomenergie leistet keinen Beitrag für eine sichere und klimafreundliche Energieversorgung!
https://t.co/n9lcpRkmFm https://t.co/8jVhR93ScP
« BREAKING: eight Greenpeace organisations have taken the first steps to challenge the #EUTaxonomy's greenwashing of gas and nuclear https://bit.ly/3qPeRjI
#StopFakeGreen #NotMyTaxonomy https://t.co/7OVcBB1uQi »
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#atomenergie #eutaxonomy #stopfakegreen #notmytaxonomy
« An outrageous outcome to label gas and nuclear as green in the #EUTaxonomy and keep more money flowing to Putin’s war chest, but now we will fight this in the courts
https://www.greenpeace.org/eu-unit/issues/climate-energy/46319/taxonomy-greenpeace-announces-legal-challenge-as-meps-fail-to-block-gas-and-nuclear/ »
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« Today the EU made a terrible decision. Turning its back on the advice of climate scientists, ignoring you and the calls from groups all across Europe, and giving a massive boost to Russia’s war chest.
#NotMyTaxonomy #EUTaxonomy https://act.gp/3P3rbqA https://t.co/M4ODAXa04k »
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« President Zelensky, the Ukrainian IPCC lead author, Ukrainian members of parliament and NGOs have all made it clear: the EU must stop buying fuel from Russia and stop funding this war
A 'green' label for gas and nuclear is a gift to Putin
https://www.greenpeace.org/eu-unit/issues/climate-energy/46316/taxonomy-ukrainian-energy-minister-contradicts-president-zelensky-ukrainian-mps/ »
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« While the Members of the Parliament prepare themselves to debate this afternoon about the taxonomy, climate activists started protesting outside of the EU building in Strasbourg
#EUtaxonomy https://t.co/KD0yytrSz5 »
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The Science is clear. We need an #Energy sector transition as soon as possible to prevent #HothouseEarth.
@RenewEurope@twitter.com, @EPP@twitter.com, @EPPGroup@twitter.com vote against #FossilGas and #Nuclear energy. Keep #EUtaxonomy sustainable.
#energy #hothouseearth #fossilgas #nuclear #eutaxonomy #VoteThisTaxonomyDown #notmytaxonomy #stopfakegreen
#Atom und #Gas sind nicht #grün. Nie! https://t.co/ngM8sx8t0w
« Greenwashing alert! The @EU_Commission proposed labelling fossil gas and nuclear as “green” investments in the #EUTaxonomy. This is shocking as gas contributes to the climate crisis and there is no real solution for storage of nuclear waste. #StopFakeGreen #MoneyForChange https://t.co/CQ0vbGdgba »
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#atom #gas #grün #eutaxonomy #stopfakegreen #moneyforchange
« Greenwashing alert! The @EU_Commission proposed labelling fossil gas and nuclear as “green” investments in the #EUTaxonomy. This is shocking as gas contributes to the climate crisis and there is no real solution for storage of nuclear waste. #StopFakeGreen #MoneyForChange https://t.co/CQ0vbGdgba »
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#eutaxonomy #stopfakegreen #moneyforchange
« #Atomkraft braucht es weder in der #EUTaxonomy noch in der Schweiz. Nötig ist ein #SolarSprint der Politik und Investitionen des #Finanzplatz in ☀️-Energie https://twitter.com/greenpeace_ch/status/1485901505622384640 »
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#atomkraft #eutaxonomy #solarsprint #finanzplatz
« Wenn Investore weitergehen als Experten.
#StopFakeGreen https://twitter.com/IIGCCnews/status/1481205364565630979 »
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#responsibleinvestors #eutaxonomy #stopfakegreen
#Atomenergie ist nicht grün. Und schon gar nicht nachhaltig. Punkt.
P.S. #Gas übrigens auch nicht.
#EUtaxonomy #Klimakrise
#atomenergie #gas #eutaxonomy #klimakrise #sustainablefinance
« Stop greenwashing! @OlafScholz, @ABaerbock @vonderleyen - #Gas und #Atom sind weder nachhaltig noch grün.
Halten Sie dem Druck von @EmmanuelMacron stand und verhindern Sie, dass sie in die #EUTaxonomy integriert werden!
#StopFakeGreen https://t.co/S7yE8gaOSw »
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#gas #atom #eutaxonomy #stopfakegreen
« #Gas und #Atom sind weder nachhaltig noch grün. Werden sie in die #EUTaxonomy integriert, ist das nichts anderes als #Greenwashing. Und zwar Greenwashing, das unsere Zukunft gefährdet.
#StopFakeGreen https://twitter.com/moneyforchange_/status/1470688421895147524 »
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#gas #atom #eutaxonomy #greenwashing #moneyforchange #stopfakegreen
« 👏👏👏
Gas is now responsible for more of Europe’s carbon emissions than coal while the nuclear industry still has no solution for the ever-growing mountain of radioactive waste.
@vonderleyen: don’t allow these technologies to be included in the #EUTaxonomy.
#MoneyForChange https://twitter.com/greenpeacefr/status/1470685505478139906 »
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« [ACTION📢] This morning climate activists sent a clear message at the French secretariat for European Affairs that gas nuclear are not green!@vonderleyen don’t allow them to be included in the #EUTaxonomy. #MoneyForChange #StopFakeGreen https://t.co/5zzaUGByan »
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#eutaxonomy #moneyforchange #stopfakegreen
« Eine solche #EUTaxonomy darf der Schweizer Finanzplatz nicht übernehmen.
Dieses Regelwerk befeuert #greenwashing bei #SustainableFinance https://twitter.com/GreenpeaceEU/status/1384846116231974917 »
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#eutaxonomy #greenwashing #sustainablefinance
« LEAKED #EUTaxonomy rules: @EU_Commission abandoning all pretense of advancing the #EUGreenDeal
It would allow taxpayers’ money & private investments to fund destructive industries – a #GreenRecovery in name only
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#eutaxonomy #eugreendeal #greenrecovery #sustainablefinanceeu