Warren Currie 🦠🦐 · @DrPlanktonguy
439 followers · 770 posts · Server ecoevo.social

Weekend 🦐🦠

Let's talk nets. Why, on a large ship, do we use a net with very small diameter (0.4 m), but it is long (2 m)? Efficiency! These nets filter better, while not collecting *too much. systems like clog nets with algae, so less volume is better. We target sizes using different Nitex meshes, most often 63 or 153 μm in the . To measure volume, we use a flow meter mounted just off-center in the net mouth (know why?).

#plankton #factoid #zooplankton #eutrophic #LakeErie #greatlakes #science

Last updated 1 year ago

Kostas Kormas · @kkormas
34 followers · 49 posts · Server mastodon.social