@c_merriweather Oh, I'm sure there are plenty of lists out there, both good ones and bad ones. There's probably a chat LLM or two which will happily regurgitate several variations on the theme, too.
The point of my blog post wasn't the exact lists of items to bring when #evacuating (and the blog post even says repeatedly that what I list is merely examples and that they should be adjusted per one's own needs), but rather to argue in favor of having a list, personalized to one's own situation.
New #BlogPost on my #blog, about having a checklist for #evacuations with some suggestions for what might go into a light #BugOutBag with an eye toward #evacuating. Most people likely won't ever need to #evacuate in a real #emergency, but just thinking about it is an #EmergencyPreparation step that can make a huge difference if you ever end up in a forced or voluntary #evacuation for any reason. Consider making this weekend your personal #EmergencyPreparedness weekend.
#blogpost #blog #evacuations #bugoutbag #evacuating #evacuate #emergency #emergencypreparation #evacuation #emergencypreparedness
I shared this reporting on CapRadio's Insight yesterday. You can hear Wilton residents reflect on not #evacuating and context on what #flooding evacuation orders mean here: https://www.capradio.org/news/insight/2023/01/18/why-people-ignore-evacuation-orders-fema-and-sba-disaster-assistance-book-aloha-vietnam/
#International_Tech_News | #Police, #FBI responding to #Hostage situation at #Colleyville, #TEXAS #SYNAGOGUE
Police on Saturday morning were #evacuating residents of a Colleyville #neighborhood while #SWAT officers responded to a #hostage_situation.
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#hostage_situation #swat #neighborhood #evacuating #Synagogue #texas #colleyville #hostage #fbi #police #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS