#RussellMoore Claims There’s a Crisis in #Evangelical #America — But #White #Evangelicalism is Exactly Where it Wants to Be
#religion #cult #christianity
#russellmoore #evangelical #america #white #evangelicalism #religion #cult #christianity
"Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching—'turn the other cheek'—[and] to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?'" Moore said.
#jesusistoowoke #evangelicalism #Religion #USpol
This is what happens when you begin to equate your religion with your (sub)culture. When the culture shifts, your religion goes with it, even when the culture is now at cross purposes with your religion’s foundational tenets.
As #TheGuardian editorial noted, after the 2016 presidential election:
‘In the end, a market-driven religion, #Evangelicalism, gives rise to a market-driven #truth & this developmt has eviscerated conservative #Christianity in the US leaving it to #hypocrites & hucksters.
#Nostalgia —esp the sort wielded by demagogues & authoritarians— cannot protect religious faith, b/c it uses #religion as a tool for worldly ends, leaving a spiritual void.' -Russel Moore #TheAtlantic
#theatlantic #Religion #nostalgia #hypocrites #christianity #truth #evangelicalism #theguardian
Shannon Harris, ex-wife of I Kissed Dating Goodbye’s Joshua Harris, has a new book out about leaving evangelicalism.
#exvangelical #evangelicalism #purityculture
The growing conflict between objective reality and the literal nonsense found in #scripture is the primary motivation for the increasing #fanaticism and regression seen in American #Protestant #evangelicalism
#scripture #fanaticism #protestant #evangelicalism #christofascist #ChristianNationalism #religionofhate
@retrohondajunki @flexghost Evangelicals don't consider Trump to be evil.
"Evangelicals were looking for a protector, an aggressive, heroic, manly man, someone who wasn't restrained by political correctness or feminine virtues, someone who would break the rules for the right cause. ... He became, in the words of his religious biographers, "the ultimate fighting champion for evangelicals."
- Kristin Kobes Du Mez, in 'Jesus and John Wayne' pg 253
#Evangelicalism #Trump
Matthew Sheffield writes,
"For professional journalists who were brought up in what @jayrosen_nyu calls the "view from nowhere," accepting that the 2nd largest political party is owned by Christian fanatics goes against everything they were taught.
They're desperate to deny this.
But the Republican Party cannot be saved. It must be destroyed electorally."
#Christianity #USA #WhiteSupremacy #racism #fundamentalism #evangelicalism #South #politics #media
#christianity #USA #whitesupremacy #racism #fundamentalism #evangelicalism #south #politics #media
I did not have a link to Matthew Sheffield's entire thread when I posted my excerpt,
I'm grateful to @bhawthorne for providing the link I've just now shared in /1 above.
#Christianity #USA #WhiteSupremacy #racism #fundamentalism #evangelicalism #South #politics #media
#christianity #USA #whitesupremacy #racism #fundamentalism #evangelicalism #south #politics #media
Earlier today, I posted an exerpt from this outstanding thread by Matthew Sheffield about how "an extremist form of reactionary Christianity which originated in the former Confederacy" and how the media, with their both-sides framing, spectacularly fail to talk about this important issue.
#Christianity #USA #WhiteSupremacy #racism #fundamentalism #evangelicalism #South #politics #media
#christianity #USA #whitesupremacy #racism #fundamentalism #evangelicalism #south #politics #media
"American politics is severely distorted by an extremist form of reactionary Christianity which originated in the former Confederacy.
And yet this fact is almost never mentioned by mainstream media journalists, even when they are covering the events these people host."
~ Matthew Sheffield, cited by Chitown Kev
#Christianity #USA #WhiteSupremacy #racism #fundamentalism #evangelicalism #South #politics #media
#christianity #USA #whitesupremacy #racism #fundamentalism #evangelicalism #south #politics #media
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Southern Baptists Vote to Expel Churches With Women Pastors https://jezebel.com/southern-baptists-vote-to-expel-churches-with-women-pas-1850537613 #Jezebel #southernbaptistconventionconservativeresurgence #sexualabusescandalinsouthernbaptistchurches #conservatismintheunitedstates #southernbaptistconvention #southernbaptists #evangelicalism #religionbelief #augustageorgia #protestantism #jaredwoodfill #christianity #paulpressler #socialissues
#jezebel #southernbaptistconventionconservativeresurgence #sexualabusescandalinsouthernbaptistchurches #conservatismintheunitedstates #southernbaptistconvention #southernbaptists #evangelicalism #religionbelief #augustageorgia #protestantism #jaredwoodfill #Christianity #paulpressler #socialissues
"Close Encounters of the #Theological Kind". Interesting reflections on the claim that governments are hiding #ufo remains by Jared Stacey, a PhD student at Aberdeen examining #US #evangelicalism and #ConspiracyTheories. The claims, by a former #military officer who worked recently with a military "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force" seem to me too absurd to be taken seriously, but Jared offers an interesting "what if" perspective
#uap #military #conspiracytheories #evangelicalism #us #ufo #theological
"This is not hypocrisy. This is the nihilism of a theology of dominance which holds that the sons of God ultimately have a right to rape your daughters. It is the end result of a patriarchal system that gives the man everything and the woman whatever the man wants her to have."
#women #Arkansas #rural #evangelicalism #misogyny #Republicans #Duggars
#women #arkansas #rural #evangelicalism #misogyny #republicans #duggars
"Should we ultimately be surprised that the same 'family values' culture that filled our television screens with modestly dressed girls and boys following their chirpy mother like ducklings also gave us 'Trump Can Grab My Pussy' shirts?"
~ Guy Lancaster commenting on the story of the Duggar family told in the new series "Shiny Happy People"
#women #Arkansas #rural #evangelicalism #misogyny #Republicans #Duggars
#women #arkansas #rural #evangelicalism #misogyny #republicans #duggars
"An acclaimed journalist tries to understand how she escaped her small-town in Arkansas while her brilliant friend could not, and, in the process, illuminates the unemployment, drug abuse, sexism and evangelicalism killing poor, rural white women all over America."
#women #Arkansas #rural #evangelicalism #misogyny #addiction #unemployment #Republicans
#women #arkansas #rural #evangelicalism #misogyny #addiction #unemployment #republicans
I’m far enough away from #evangelicalism now that I don’t get the way they think anymore. They have the entirety of the gospels which tell a story about God being love, being on the side of the poor and the outcast, and Jesus only really having words for, well, people like them who want to load people down with rules. But instead they want to cling to a few verses in Leviticus and some confusing teachings by Paul to wage a political war against people they were raised to view as bad.
Excellent report by Michael Goldfarb on political #Christianity in the #US.
#evangelicalism #ChristianNationalism #politics
#politics #ChristianNationalism #evangelicalism #us #christianity
At some stage, they forgot Christianity worshipped a sun god and replaced it with a gun god. Typo?
#USpol #guncult #evangelicalism #nra