Good morning # from the tiny 800g , warm and safe in her built to order pouch, but completely engaged with her environment already.

Mum Ghirawen has come inside out of the heat to relax in the entirely powered air conditioning, keeping the house to around 25 degrees Celsius.

Uluru is using the opportunity to find out about the two legged things which feed her mother directly, and herself indirectly via her mum's milk.

Uluru is what we call a as she does not yet have her fur.

#mastodon #uluru #environmentally #friendly #solar #evaporative #velvet

Last updated 2 years ago

Link to study examining the shortwave versus longwave radiative effect of aerosols: [Public link:]

Study on the due to :

#aerosols #cooling #evaporative

Last updated 2 years ago

One component that is missing from the above analysis, and not isolated in most estimates of aerosol-induced , is cooling due to aerosols.

Aerosols increase evaporative cooling through two pathways.

1. The radiative effect (global dimming) changes how energy is redistributed through evaporation versus . Convection is reduced more, and there is net evaporative cooling.

This pathway is more important, accounting for 84% of response globally (81% for ).

#tropics #Convection #evaporative #cooling

Last updated 2 years ago