Water Availability Creates Global Thresholds In Multidimensional Soil Biodiversity And Functions
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-023-02071-3 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #water #mapping #water #hydrology #biogeography #phylogeography #geography #global #environmental #biodiversity #productivity #agricultural #agriculture #farming #plant #microbe #soilscience #soilhealth #soil #soilfertility #soilconservation #soilmanagement #ecosystems #EnvironmentalThresholds #survey #fieldsurvey #climate #vegetation #watermanagement #waterconservation #rainfall #precipitation #EV #evaporation #evapotranspiration #biogeochemical #geochemical #bacteria #fungi #protists #invertebrates #model #modeling #soilcarbonsequestration #wateravailability #sustainable
#gis #spatial #water #mapping #hydrology #biogeography #phylogeography #geography #global #environmental #biodiversity #productivity #agricultural #agriculture #farming #plant #Microbe #soilscience #soilhealth #soil #soilfertility #soilconservation #soilmanagement #ecosystems #environmentalthresholds #survey #fieldsurvey #climate #vegetation #watermanagement #waterconservation #rainfall #precipitation #ev #evaporation #evapotranspiration #biogeochemical #geochemical #bacteria #fungi #protists #invertebrates #model #modeling #soilcarbonsequestration #wateravailability #sustainable
Why Death Valley Is Full Of Polygons [salt flats, deserts, and dry lakes]
https://physics.aps.org/articles/v16/31 <-- shared article
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.13.011025 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #model #modeling #salt #polygons #tiling #saltflats #saltdeserts #convection #research #chemistry #water #hydrology #soil #evaporation #evapotranspiration #precipitation #solution #salinity #DeathValley #numericalanalysis #numericalmodeling #numericalsimulation #simulation #groundwater
#gis #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #model #modeling #salt #polygons #tiling #saltflats #saltdeserts #Convection #research #chemistry #water #hydrology #soil #evaporation #evapotranspiration #precipitation #solution #salinity #deathvalley #numericalanalysis #numericalmodeling #numericalsimulation #simulation #groundwater
The Salton Sea, An Accident Of History, Faces A New Water Crisis
https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/25/climate/salton-sea-colorado-river-drought-crisis.html <-- NYT article
[an accidental, slow-moving, environmental, ecologic, public health, hydrologic, agricultural and cultural disaster]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #water #climatechange #waterresources #hydrology #SaltonSea #California #cropland #runoff #ColoradoRiver #watercrisis #watersecurity #publichealth #environment #ecology #agriculture # #evapotranspiration #fish #migratorybirds #dust #pollution #contaminants #canal #saline #salty #waterquality #lake #lakebed #wind #airborne #ImperialValley #airquality #childhood #asthma #respiratory #illnesses #artificial #management #planning #food #foodsecurity #migrant #population
#gis #spatial #mapping #water #climatechange #waterresources #hydrology #saltonsea #California #cropland #runoff #coloradoriver #watercrisis #watersecurity #publichealth #Environment #ecology #agriculture #evapotranspiration #fish #migratorybirds #dust #pollution #contaminants #Canal #saline #salty #waterquality #lake #lakebed #wind #airborne #imperialvalley #airquality #childhood #asthma #respiratory #illnesses #artificial #management #planning #Food #FoodSecurity #migrant #population
Late Miocene Megalake Regressions In Eurasia [Paratethys Sea, The Largest Lake In Earth's History]
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-91001-z <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Miocene #lake #freshwater #Asia #Europe #megalake #Eurasia #geology #epicontinental #ParatethysSea #platetectonics #evaporation #salinity #landlocked #evapotranspiration #desiccation #geology #water #hydrology #geologichistory #paleoenvironmental #stratigraphy #aridification #paleogeography #geography #reconstruction #regression #saltlake #climatechange #spatialanalysis #model #modeling
#gis #spatial #mapping #miocene #lake #Freshwater #asia #Europe #megalake #eurasia #geology #epicontinental #paratethyssea #platetectonics #evaporation #salinity #landlocked #evapotranspiration #desiccation #water #hydrology #geologichistory #paleoenvironmental #stratigraphy #aridification #paleogeography #geography #reconstruction #Regression #saltlake #climatechange #spatialanalysis #model #modeling
We're headed for a record heat wave in Central Florida this week. Hot, dry, windy means we need to irrigate where we usually would not. La Nina phenomena + #climatechange lots of #evapotranspiration #climatediary
#climatechange #evapotranspiration #climatediary
RT @BioclimGoe
Interested in studying isotopic composition of #evapotranspiration in a crop system using micrometeorological measurements? We offer a 3-year PhD position @uniGoettingen.
More infos 👇
Application deadline: 27 February 2023
#evapotranspiration #PhDposition
Thanks to Paolo Benettin for his great #WATSON #seminar on #transit #time #estimation.
Next seminar will be 1 March at 12:30 CET with Harsh Beria.
DO NOT MISS IT! Visit our website https://watson-cost.eu/ to register! #water #catchments #evapotranspiration #modelling #data
#watson #seminar #transit #time #estimation #water #catchments #evapotranspiration #modelling #data
Anyone here knows about calculating or modeling #evapotranspiration, especially with regard to #seepage modeling in #soils, and could kindly point me in the right direction?
All I seem to be able to find on the internet are poorly documented programs with terrifying heaps of erratic input requirements.
#rstats #rspatial #python #julialang #geology #ecology #groundwater
#evapotranspiration #seepage #soils #rstats #rspatial #python #julialang #geology #ecology #groundwater
For #heatindex or apparent #temperature, #greenroofs end up being much less efficient since they increase near-surface #humidity through #evapotranspiration.
Taking this, the nighttime warming, and cost into consideration, #coolroofs are found to mitigate #heat most efficiently.
#heat #coolroofs #evapotranspiration #humidity #greenroofs #temperature #heatindex
1c. #AIR
CYCLE IT. #Evapotranspiration can help increase rains in dry areas, and reduce drought. Evapotranspiration can help increase dew and #fog as a way of hydrating vegetation into the dry seasons, and help reduce #wildfire risk. This is increasing the #SmallWaterCycle as described in #MichalKravcik, Jan Pokorny et al’s “The new water paradigm”. In the climate science papers it is referred to as moisture recycling, and #precipitation recycling."
#air #evapotranspiration #fog #wildfire #smallwatercycle #michalkravcik #precipitation
Land-Atmosphere Cascade Fueled the 2020 #Siberian #Heatwave
(L. Gloege et al, 5 Nov 2022)
Pierre Gentine:
"Early #spring warming led to #snow depletion ❄️ and early #greening 🌲, which increased #evapotranspiration and depleted #soil moisture later. This led to a causal contribution of land #feedback on the #heatwave and temperatures experienced then. Likely a template of #globalwarming"
https://twitter.com/PierreGentine/status/1589234189249150977 (Sorry, nitter.it doesn't show it)
#siberian #heatwave #spring #snow #greening #evapotranspiration #soil #feedback #globalwarming #cop27 #climateemergency
Name: The Global LAnd Surface Satellite evapotranspiration product version 5.0 (GLASS ET)
Spatial coverage: Global
Spatial resolution: 1 km
Temporal coverage: 2001-2015
Temporal resolution: 8 day
Gap-free: Yes
Year of publication: 2022
Algorithm: machine learning, integrating five satellite-derived ET products
#data_products #evapotranspiration