#AppleTVPlus Week in Review
#HighDesert 📅
#Stillwater 📅
#CityOnFire ⏳
#DropsOfGod ⏳
#Silo ⏳
#TedLasso ⏳
#BigBeasts 🎉
#TheBigDoorPrize 🎉
#TheLastThingHeToldMe 🎉
📅 Premiere, ⏳ Ongoing, 🎉 Finale
#Swagger S2
New premieres:
#TheSnoopyShow S3: Jun 9
#LovelyLittleFarm S2: Jun 16
#Swagger S2: Jun 23
#DuckAndGoose S2: Jul 7
#Physical S3: Aug 2
#EvaTheOwlet shorts: Aug 4
#OneOfAKindMarcie: Aug 18
#Peanuts specials: Sept 22
#peanuts #oneofakindmarcie #evatheowlet #physical #duckandgoose #lovelylittlefarm #TheSnoopyShow #KillersoftheFlowerMoon #swagger #TheLastThingHeToldMe #thebigdoorprize #bigbeasts #tedlasso #silo #dropsofgod #cityonfire #stillwater #highdesert #appletvplus
More kids and family programming coming soon to #AppleTVPlus:
New #DuckAndGoose special: June 9
#LovelyLittleFarm S2: June 16
#DuckAndGoose S2: July 7
New #EvaTheOwlet shorts: August 4
#evatheowlet #lovelylittlefarm #duckandgoose #appletvplus
#AppleTVPlus Week in Review
#TheBigDoorPrize 📅
#EvaTheOwlet 📅
#Tetris 📅
#CarpoolKaraoke ⏳
#Extrapolations ⏳
#HelloTomorrow ⏳
#MyKindOfCountry ⏳
#TheProblem ⏳
#TedLasso ⏳
#Liaison 🎉
📅 Premiere ⏳ Ongoing 🎉 Finale
New premieres:
#BigBeasts: Apr 21
#TheAfterparty S2: Jul 12
#KillersOfTheFlowerMoon: Oct 6 in theaters
Filming soon:
Dev news:
#TheSavant ordered
#ForAllMankind S5
#LouGehrig series
3 in #TheInstigators
#KieuChinh in #SinkingSpring
#sinkingspring #kieuchinh #theinstigators #lougehrig #ForAllMankind #ferrari #thesavant #KillersoftheFlowerMoon #TheAfterparty #bigbeasts #liaison #tedlasso #theproblem #mykindofcountry #hellotomorrow #extrapolations #carpoolkaraoke #tetris #evatheowlet #thebigdoorprize #appletvplus
Heute neu auf #AppleTVPlus 👇🏼
#EvaTheOwlet S01
#Liaison S01E06 Finale
#HelloTomorrow S01E09
#TheProblemWithJonStewart S02E11
#Extrapolations S01E05
#MyKindOfCountry S01E04-06
#CarpoolKaraoke S05E14
Details und Vorschau auf nächste Woche: https://www.macprime.ch/a/news/neu-auf-apple-tv-plus-tetris-liaison-finale-und-kinder-serie
#AppleTVPlus #tetris #evatheowlet #liaison #hellotomorrow #theproblemwithjonstewart #extrapolations #mykindofcountry #carpoolkaraoke
#EvaTheOwlet has premiered on #AppleTVPlus.
The children's animated series follows Eva, a creative, cheeky owlet who lives next door to her best friend Lucy in the woodland world of Treetopington.
All 8 episodes are now streaming.
#EvaTheOwlet premieres on #AppleTVPlus this Friday, March 31.
The children's animated series follows Eva, a creative, cheeky owlet who lives next door to her best friend Lucy in the woodland world of Treetopington.
#AppleTVPlus Week In Review
#RealMadrid 📅
#Dear (#SelenaGomez) 📅
#DearEdward ⏳
#HelloTomorrow ⏳
#Liaison ⏳
#TheProblem ⏳
#Servant ⏳
#Shrinking ⏳
#TruthBeTold ⏳
📅 Premiere, ⏳ Ongoing
New premiere dates:
#BorisBecker doc: Apr 7
#Ghosted: Apr 21
#Silo: May 5
#Shrinking for S2
Finished filming:
#Physical S3
Films in development:
#Schmigadoon #mykindofcountry #TheLastThingHeToldMe #evatheowlet #thebigdoorprize #wolfhustle #echovalley #physical #projectartemis #silo #ghosted #BorisBecker #truthbetold #shrinking #servant #theproblem #liaison #hellotomorrow #dearedward #selenagomez #dear #realmadrid #appletvplus
Here is the official trailer for #EvaTheOwlet, premiering on #AppleTVPlus March 31.
The children's animated series follows Eva, a creative, cheeky owlet who lives next door to her best friend Lucy in the woodland world of Treetopington. With big ideas and an even bigger personality, Eva goes on high-flying adventures, expressing herself in her diary along the way!
March on #AppleTVPlus:
#TheProblem S2B, #RealMadrid, #TedLasso S3, #MonsterFactory, #Extrapolations, #MyKindOfCountry, #TheBigDoorPrize, #Tetris & #EvaTheOwlet
#Servant S4, #Shrinking, #DearEdward, #TruthBeTold S3 & #Liaison
What are you most excited for?
#hellotomorrow #liaison #truthbetold #dearedward #shrinking #servant #evatheowlet #tetris #thebigdoorprize #mykindofcountry #extrapolations #monsterfactory #tedlasso #realmadrid #theproblem #appletvplus
New premiere dates:
#PineconeAndPony S2: Feb 3
#ACharlieBrownValentine: Feb 9
#MakeOrBreak S2: Feb 17
#PretzelAndThePuppies S2: Feb 24
New series #EvaTheOwlet: Mar 31
New series #Jane: Apr 14
#SagoMiniFriends Earth Day special: Apr 14
New series #FrogAndToad: Apr 28
#HarrietTheSpy S2: May 5
7 classic #Peanuts specials: May 5
#Stillwater S3: May 19
#stillwater #peanuts #HarrietTheSpy #FrogandToad #sagominifriends #jane #evatheowlet #pretzelandthepuppies #makeorbreak #acharliebrownvalentine #PineconeAndPony
#AppleTVPlus has announced its upcoming kids & family slate:
#PineconeAndPony (S2): February 3
Classic #Peanuts special “A Charlie Brown Valentine”: February 9
#PretzelAndThePuppies (S2): February 24
New #Stillwater shorts: March 15
New series #EvaTheOwlet: March 31
New series #Jane: April 14
#SagoMiniFriends Earth Day special: April 14
New series #FrogAndToad: April 28
#HarrietTheSpy (S2): May 5
7 classic #Peanuts specials: May 5
#Stillwater (S3): May 19
#HarrietTheSpy #FrogandToad #sagominifriends #jane #evatheowlet #stillwater #pretzelandthepuppies #peanuts #PineconeAndPony #appletvplus