Though we may not agree on social and political issues, Evelyn Waugh is one of my favorite Modern (i.e. since 1910) writers. I admire his prose style and his use of humor, his willingness to poke fun at everyone, himself included. Waugh was not a formative influence; I came to his work too late for that. I’ve certainly learned a few things from his writing and incorporated them into my own. #literary #evelynwaugh
Literarischer #10April
„Change is the only evidence of life.“
#EvelynWaugh #BridesheadRevisited Tod 1966
#10april #evelynwaugh #bridesheadrevisited
"She's been stirred up by suddenly meeting me in the flesh after two or three years' distant devotion."
middle sentence of "Work Suspended and Other Stories" by #EvelynWaugh on #isbnmaschine
"So as the Marchioness won't play ball I'm off to see the old man and square him."
middle sentence of "Brideshead revisited" by #EvelynWaugh on #isbnmaschine
In Book IX of the #Iliad of #Homer, thinking he can buy Achilles's return to service, Agamemnon reminds me of the character in *Brideshead Revisited* of #EvelynWaugh called Rex Mottram, who thought he could annul his old marriage, if only he paid enough.
I see now that, in 2016, *National Review* had a comparison of Trump to Mottram
Just finished watching Brideshead Revisited (1981 ITV) again. Every time through something new. A different opinion about someone. It's as though the series were alive. #EvelynWaugh
"I used to know Brian Howard well—a dazzling young man to my innocent eyes. In later life he became very dangerous—constantly attacking people with his fists in public places—so I kept clear of him. He was consumptive but the immediate cause of his death was a broken heart." Evelyn Waugh.
Wonder IF Evelyn appreciated the homophobic shit Brian likely took everywhere he went, and as Brian got older, he just threw hands instead of putting up with it. #gay #gayhistory #evelynwaugh #brianhoward
#gay #gayhistory #evelynwaugh #brianhoward
""You're looking unusually cheerful today," said the second-in-command."
last sentence of "Brideshead revisited" by #EvelynWaugh on #isbnmaschine
Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead mansion sold for £3m despite tenants refusing to leave
#waugh #evelynwaugh #bridesheadrevisited
""The best thing you can do is to kick yourself, Dirty Desmond, right round the cloisters.""
last sentence of "Work Suspended and Other Stories" by #EvelynWaugh on #isbnmaschine
@ninaschuyler these authors make me laugh
#TomSharpe #SJPerelman #Saki #EvelynWaugh #SueTownsend #PGWodehouse
#DouglasAdams #DanRhodes #ShelSilverstein
#jameshamiltonpaterson #TomSharpe #SJPerelman #saki #evelynwaugh #suetownsend #pgwodehouse #douglasadams #danrhodes #shelsilverstein
Seems fun, so here are my #7 favorite #authors (in no particular order and only #7 of many):
1. #HarukiMurakami 🌓🐈⬛
2. #AndréAciman 📚🇮🇹
3. #DorothyLSayers 🔎🥃
4. #EvelynWaugh 🧸🏏
5. #NancyMitford 🐶❤️
6. #JaneAusten ☕👒
7. #JohnleCarré 🪆🚬
Have just finished reading #Lupin by #MauriceLeblanc and would recommend!
#authors #harukimurakami #andreaciman #dorothylsayers #evelynwaugh #nancymitford #janeausten #johnlecarre #lupin #mauriceleblanc #book #books #booktoot #booktoots #bookstadom
Seems fun, so here are my #7 favorite #authors (in no particular order and only #7 of many):
1. #HarukiMurakami 🌓🐈⬛
2. #AndréAciman 🇮🇹📚
3. #DorothyLSayers 🔎🥃
4. #EvelynWaugh 🧸🏏
5. #NancyMitford ❤️🐶
6. #KevinKwan 👠💎
7. #JohnleCarré 🪆🚬
Have just finished reading #Lupin and would recommend!
#authors #harukimurakami #andreaciman #dorothylsayers #evelynwaugh #nancymitford #kevinkwan #johnlecarre #lupin
"In its simplest form it was the England in which Evelyn believed himself to have existed as a child. That cleaner, greener land of his exclusive recollection and compulsive imagination bore little resemblance to the England of unprecedented and as yet unparalleled Sturm and Drang, in which, by 1914, syndicalist revolution and civil war were but nar rowly averted by the outbreak of the international conflict."
Evelyn Waugh's Ear Trumpet