I need to be motivated with my art, and not let myself get too down on myself about it. This is my demand from myself to make that happen.
Enjoy this week's Occasional Fox Friday, everyone! Enjoy your weekend and have a water to fuel your motivated brain.
http://patreon.com/Starrffax/ || http://ko-fi.com/starrffax || http://starrffax.com
https://chitter.xyz/tags/Starrffax https://chitter.xyz/tags/furryart
#starrffax #fox #art #sfw #occasional #friday #comic #slice #of #life #motivated #to #draw #even #more #and #imrpove #myself #furry #sona #fursona #fluff #fluffy
#Starrffax #fox #art #sfw #occasional #friday #comic #slice #of #life #motivated #to #draw #even #more #and #imrpove #myself #furry #sona #fursona #fluff #fluffy
Healthy people, w/ mild cases, still affected: "People who got COVID-19 & were asymptomatic or got [a case] that was so mild they were able to nurse it at home w/o going to the doctor, still developed an increased risk of heart problems a year out." Johns Hopkins study, '22.
#Covid #spares #no #one | #even #mild #cases #bring #increased #risk of #heart #issues #arrythmia #blood #clots #stroke #years #later | #otherwise #healthy #people - #not #hopitalized at the #time https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/covid-and-the-heart-it-spares-no-one
#COVID #spares #no #one #even #mild #cases #bring #increased #risk #heart #issues #arrythmia #blood #clots #stroke #years #later #otherwise #healthy #people #not #hopitalized #time
King County 2023 Top Two voter turnout stalls out at around 30%, falling short of 35%
King County Elections staff had hoped that countywide turnout would surpass 35%, but it has stalled out at around 30%, and it looks like it will be below what it was in 2021 and 2019.
#Even-YearElections #VoterTurnout
One day, one decomposition
A030143: Even numbers in which parity of digits alternates
3D graph, threejs - webGL ➡️ https://decompwlj.com/3Dgraph/A030143.html
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️ https://decompwlj.com/2Dgraph500terms/A030143.html
#decompwlj #maths #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #even #numbers #parity #digits #alternates #graph #threejs #webGL
#webgl #threejs #graph #alternates #digits #parity #numbers #even #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #maths #decompwlj
Happening today: NPI’s Even Year Elections For All panel convenes at Netroots Nation ’23
Learn about the voting justice panel that the Northwest Progressive Institute is hosting at Netroots Nation 2023.
#Even-YearElections #NetrootsNation #VoterTurnout
#voterturnout #netrootsnation #even
First Image of Black Hole Shadow and Jet Together
For the first time, astronomers have seen how the big plasma jet shot out by a supermassive black hole connects to the material falling into the black hole. The post First Image of Black Hole Shadow and Jet Together appeared first on Sky & Telescope .
#Astronomy_&_Observing_News #Black_Holes #The_Black_Hole_Files_with_Camille_Carlisle #Even
#astronomy_ #black_holes #the_black_hole_files_with_camille_carlisle #even
#even : level, smooth, or equal in surface
- French: même
- German: gleichmässig
- Italian: ancora/anche
- Portuguese: par / simétrico
- Spanish: aún
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past
「even if TEMPEST 連なるときの暁」Nintendo Switch™ ティザームービー https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1708743/voice-actor/
#even #evenifTEMPEST #if #KISS #Nintendoswitch #Switchティザームービー #tempest #Vlog #voiceactor #VOLTAGE #イケメン #オトメイト #テンペスト #テンペスト魔女 #テン魔女 #ファンディスク #ボルテージ #ループ #乙女 #乙女ゲーム #人狼 #古川慎 #声優 #女性向 #宵闇にかく語りき魔女 #恋 #恋愛 #杉山紀彰 #柿原徹也 #武内駿輔 #男性声優 #畠中祐 #石川界人 #連なるときの暁 #連なるときの暁Nintendo #魔女
#even #eveniftempest #if #kiss #nintendoswitch #switchティザームービー #tempest #vlog #voiceactor #voltage #イケメン #オトメイト #テンペスト #テンペスト魔女 #テン魔女 #ファンディスク #ボルテージ #ループ #乙女 #乙女ゲーム #人狼 #古川慎 #声優 #女性向 #宵闇にかく語りき魔女 #恋 #恋愛 #杉山紀彰 #柿原徹也 #武内駿輔 #男性声優 #畠中祐 #石川界人 #連なるときの暁 #連なるときの暁nintendo #魔女
One day, one decomposition
A014263: Numbers that contain even digits only
3D graph #threejs #webGL ➡️ https://decompwlj.com/3Dgraph/A014263.html
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️ https://decompwlj.com/2Dgraph500terms/A014263.html
#decompwlj #math #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #numbers #even #digits #graph
#graph #digits #even #numbers #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #math #decompwlj #webgl #threejs
Search engines on the Fediverse solve a problem not everyone was (is?) aware exists. Either it's something keeping tracks of you, much like it's already being done (your posts are public, restricting who can and can't see it, well that's exactly what you're doing), or #this #absolute #unreadable #nonsense #that #isnt #even #reliable, #to #begin #with.
That's how I see it.
Should opt-out exist? Probably. Much like an actual search engine, those options should perhaps exist.
#with #begin #to #reliable #even #isnt #that #nonsense #unreadable #absolute #this
I don't know what to add anymore
#Youtube Link parsers,
#RSS feed for everything
#Music #Webring
#Jukebox ftontpage randomizer
#Comment / #IRC / #Discord section
#Multiple #Music players
#Fake #youtube site (unresoundtracker)
#search bar
#code collection page
#garbage #javascriot games
#even friggin #qrcode de/encoder
I'm done ...
(I always say that. See u at the next #butterfly )
#stuffalcea #website #youtube #rss #music #webring #jukebox #comment #irc #discord #multiple #fake #makeshift #linkshortener #search #code #garbage #javascriot #even #qrcode #butterfly
State police crack down on drunk driving ahead of Saint Patrick’s Day weekend https://www.fox43.com/article/news/local/police-st-patricks-day-weekend-ride-share-apps-free-uber-drunk-driving/521-998eed53-8219-4a61-9e55-80ea7ae77932 #morning-show #community #even...
16. Kinder Rechte Fest im Tollhaus
#events #even #karlsruhe #Kinderrechte #tollhaus
#Romance #Scams #RedFlags #RomanceScams #Coronavirus #pandemic #DatingWebsites #DatingApps #DatingOnSocialMedia #Dating #Apps #Websites #SocialMedia #CreditCardInformation #SocialSecutityNumber #BetterBusinessBureau #BBB #FederalBureauOfInvestigation #FBI #FederalTradeCommission #FTC #2021 #FiveHundredFortySevenMillionDollarsInLosses #FakeDatingProfiles
#please #read #boost #this #toot #do #not #meet #anyone #from #any #dating #site #app #or #even #social #media #romance #scams #redflags #romancescams #coronavirus #pandemic #datingwebsites #datingapps #datingonsocialmedia #apps #websites #socialmedia #creditcardinformation #socialsecutitynumber #betterbusinessbureau #bbb #federalbureauofinvestigation #fbi #federaltradecommission #ftc #fivehundredfortysevenmilliondollarsinlosses #fakedatingprofiles
#Romance #Scams #RedFlags #RomanceScams #Coronavirus #pandemic #DatingWebsites #DatingApps #DatingOnSocialMedia #Dating #Apps #Websites #SocialMedia #CreditCardInformation #SocialSecutityNumber #BetterBusinessBureau #BBB #FederalBureauOfInvestigation #FBI #FederalTradeCommission #FTC #2021 #FiveHundredFortySevenMillionDollarsInLosses #FakeDatingProfiles
#please #read #boost #this #toot #do #not #meet #anyone #FROM #any #Dating #site #app #or #even #social #media #romance #scams #redflags #romancescams #coronavirus #pandemic #datingwebsites #datingapps #datingonsocialmedia #apps #websites #socialmedia #creditcardinformation #socialsecutitynumber #betterbusinessbureau #bbb #federalbureauofinvestigation #fbi #federaltradecommission #FTC #fivehundredfortysevenmilliondollarsinlosses #fakedatingprofiles
#Romance #Scams #RedFlags #RomanceScams #Coronavirus #pandemic #DatingWebsites #DatingApps #DatingOnSocialMedia #Dating #Apps #Websites #SocialMedia #CreditCardInformation #SocialSecutityNumber #BetterBusinessBureau #BBB #FederalBureauOfInvestigation #FBI #FederalTradeCommission #FTC #2021 #FiveHundredFortySevenMillionDollarsInLosses #FakeDatingProfiles
#please #read #boost #this #toot #do #not #meet #anyone #from #any #dating #site #app #or #even #social #media #romance #scams #redflags #romancescams #coronavirus #pandemic #datingwebsites #datingapps #datingonsocialmedia #apps #websites #socialmedia #creditcardinformation #socialsecutitynumber #betterbusinessbureau #bbb #federalbureauofinvestigation #fbi #federaltradecommission #ftc #fivehundredfortysevenmilliondollarsinlosses #fakedatingprofiles
#Romance #Scams #RedFlags #RomanceScams #Coronavirus #pandemic #DatingWebsites #DatingApps #DatingOnSocialMedia #Dating #Apps #Websites #SocialMedia #CreditCardInformation #SocialSecutityNumber #BetterBusinessBureau #BBB #FederalBureauOfInvestigation #FBI #FederalTradeCommission #FTC #2021 #FiveHundredFortySevenMillionDollarsInLosses #FakeDatingProfiles
#please #read #boost #this #toot #do #not #meet #anyone #FROM #any #dating #site #app #or #even #social #media #romance #scams #redflags #romancescams #Coronavirus #pandemic #datingwebsites #datingapps #datingonsocialmedia #apps #websites #socialmedia #creditcardinformation #socialsecutitynumber #betterbusinessbureau #bbb #federalbureauofinvestigation #fbi #federaltradecommission #ftc #fivehundredfortysevenmilliondollarsinlosses #fakedatingprofiles
#Romance #Scams #RedFlags #RomanceScams #Coronavirus #pandemic #DatingWebsites #DatingApps #DatingOnSocialMedia #Dating #Apps #Websites #SocialMedia #CreditCardInformation #SocialSecutityNumber #BetterBusinessBureau #BBB #FederalBureauOfInvestigation #FBI #FederalTradeCommission #FTC #2021 #FiveHundredFortySevenMillionDollarsInLosses #FakeDatingProfiles
#please #read #boost #this #toot #do #not #meet #anyone #FROM #any #Dating #site #app #or #even #social #media #romance #scams #redflags #romancescams #coronavirus #pandemic #datingwebsites #datingapps #datingonsocialmedia #apps #websites #socialmedia #creditcardinformation #socialsecutitynumber #betterbusinessbureau #bbb #federalbureauofinvestigation #fbi #federaltradecommission #FTC #fivehundredfortysevenmilliondollarsinlosses #fakedatingprofiles