Now spring is moving along! Birds newly arrived on this morning's walk: #YellowWarbler #WesternTanager #EveningGrosbeak #PineSiskin #WarblingVireo
And continuing scads and scads of #YellowRumpedWarbler flocks. Continual nonstop butterbutt chip notes outside my window right now.
Solid migratory movement on radar last night - checks out!
#Birding #Oregon #Spring #Migration
#yellowwarbler #westerntanager #eveninggrosbeak #pinesiskin #warblingvireo #YellowRumpedWarbler #birding #oregon #spring #migration
A small flock of evening grosbeaks dropped in the other day, hopped around in the twigs for a few minutes, decided the seeds and suet weren't for them, and flew off.
#birds #EveningGrosbeak #BirdsOfMastodon #NHBirds #NewEngland
#birds #eveninggrosbeak #birdsofmastodon #nhbirds #newengland
Say Good Afternoon to the Evening
#birds #grosbeak #eveninggrosbeak
Say Good Afternoon to the Evening
#birds #grosbeak #eveninggrosbeak