George Brecht: Word Event: Exit, 1961. Event card and two realisations. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Performance Art nach 1945. Aktionstheater und Intermedia. Munich 2001, p.123,126f. PDF:
#georgebrecht #eventcard #fluxus #fluxusart #fluxusartist #performanceart #performanceartist #performanceartists #happenings #thomasdreher
#thomasdreher #happenings #performanceartists #performanceartist #performanceart #fluxusartist #fluxusart #Fluxus #eventcard #georgebrecht
George Brecht: Three Chair Events, 1961/1972. Three chairs and three color photographs of the chairs, mounted on cardboard along with event card "Three Chair Events" (card from the box "Water Yam", 1963, second illustration). Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund.
More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Konzeptuelle Kunst in Amerika und England 1963-76. Internet:
#georgebrecht #eventcard #fluxus #fluxusart #phototext #phototexts #chairs #conceptart #conceptartist #oneandthreechairs
#oneandthreechairs #conceptartist #conceptart #chairs #phototexts #phototext #fluxusart #Fluxus #eventcard #georgebrecht
Concept Art by Fluxus: Tony Conrad, Henry Flynt, Allan Kaprow and Robert Watts on concepts, idea happenings and event cards. Folder for the exhibition "Kunst als Grenzbeschreitung: John Cage und die Moderne", Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst in Neue Pinakothek, Munich 1991. Internet: #Fluxus #tonyconrad #henryflynt #allankaprow #robertwatts #conceptart #conceptartist #conceptartists #conceptartwork #conceptartworks #eventcards #ideahappenings #eventcard #johncage
#conceptartworks #JohnCage #eventcard #ideahappenings #eventcards #conceptartwork #conceptartists #conceptartist #conceptart #robertwatts #allankaprow #henryflynt #tonyconrad #Fluxus
Concept Art by Fluxus: Tony Conrad, Henry Flynt, Allan Kaprow and Robert Watts on concepts, idea happenings and event cards. Folder for the exhibition "Kunst als Grenzbeschreitung: John Cage und die Moderne", Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst in Neue Pinakothek, Munich 1991. Internet: #Fluxus #tonyconrad #henryflynt #allankaprow #robertwatts #conceptart #conceptartist #conceptartists #conceptartwork #eventcards #ideahappenings #eventcard #johncage
#JohnCage #eventcard #ideahappenings #eventcards #conceptartwork #conceptartists #conceptartist #conceptart #robertwatts #allankaprow #henryflynt #tonyconrad #Fluxus