Was ist eigentlich Event Storming? Heute mal ein ganz kompaktes Video in fünf Minuten!
#eventstorming #workshop #youtube #Video
Testing another Mailchimp post from Hachyderm. Check out #EventStorming coming up at the end of September here: https://mailchi.mp/nimblepros/latjgq027n
@RuthMalan He also did a closing circle as a mini introspective / retrospective. It seemed to really help bring the Open Spaces together nicely.
Much like #EventStorming - start together, diverge, let conversations emerge, and then converge at the end. #DDDesign
In unserer neuen Folge von Papperlapapp - Spaß mit Klammern reden wir über Event-Storming! 🌬️
Was ist Event-Storming? Wie funktioniert das? Wann kann das helfen?
Zusammen mit @AndreasEK erklären wir das und erzählen von unseren Erfahrungen mit dieser klasse Methode!
Habt ihr Event-Storming schonmal eingesetzt? Wie sind eure Erfahrungen? Schreibt es in die Kommentare! ✍️
#eventstorming #ux #userexperience #ddd #domaindrivendesign #papperlapapp #youtube #techfluencer
#eventstorming #ux #userexperience #ddd #DomainDrivenDesign #papperlapapp #youtube #techfluencer
Leute, wir sind zurück. Mit einer neuen @papperlapapp UX Folge.
Oder - ist es wirklich eine UX Folge??
Es geht um das Thema Event Storming und darum, warum diese Methode auch ohne Domain Driven Design sinnvoll sein kann!
#eventstorming #ddd #domaindrivendesign #ux #uxdesign #userexperience
#eventstorming #ddd #DomainDrivenDesign #ux #uxdesign #userexperience
Ever since March 2023, I've been doing some fun work for #NimblePros - with webinars on #DDD #CleanArchitecture #CICD and upcoming webinars on #DomainStorytelling and #EventStorming. Check out all of the webinars listed on their events page: https://nimblepros.com/events-1
#nimblepros #ddd #cleanarchitecture #cicd #domainstorytelling #eventstorming
Someone asked me if #EventStorming is problem or solution space?
It’s both.
It maps out user journeys and processes, which are users interacting with products, tools and software (solutions) to achieve their goals (problems).
However, I generally avoid problem and solution space because they are highly ambiguous terms.
#eventstorming #dddesign #domaindrivendesign
Comparing #eventstorming and #domainstorytelling at #comocamp using the same context (selling ice cream 🍦🍨) and separate teams on each method. Lots of useful observations and thoughts generated!
#sweepingstatement Event Storming is what then who, Domain Storytelling is who then what.
#softwarearchitecture #collaboration #modeling #ddd #dddesign #collaborativemodelling #software #softwaredevelopment #softwaredesign
#eventstorming #domainstorytelling #comocamp #sweepingstatement #softwarearchitecture #collaboration #modeling #ddd #dddesign #collaborativemodelling #software #softwaredevelopment #softwaredesign
The unparalleled @ziobrando is kicking off a very insightful tour de force on using #eventstorming for software design at #ComoCamp 2023.
A nice participant thankfully collected a lot of helpful heuristics during the session. #cool
#eventstorming #comocamp #cool
The unparalleled @ziobrando is kicking off a very insightful tour on using #eventstorming for doing software design at #ComoCamp 2023.
Good fences make good neighbours. The quote comes from Robert Frost's poem but applies neatly to software design. #DDD tells us about bounded contexts and how they're essential. #EventStorming promises to help in distinguishing that. But...
When we try to do those exercises on our own, the result is usually glimmering. Proper modularisation requires experience, practice and also proper techniques. Some may call them patterns, but they're not prescriptive, so I prefer to call them heuristics 1/
I'm excited to say that I will be at @comocamp in #vienna!
Looking forward to getting together for #eventstorming , #domainstorytelling, #ImpactMapping & all the other #modeling & canvas mashups!
There's still time to get tickets for 4th-5th May: https://comocamp.org/
And a big shout-out to the choice of #curvy or #straight #comocamp t-shirts! 👕👚
(We all know unisex = men's-style-that-all-other-genders-must-also-wear)
#collaboration #softwarearchitecture #softwaredevelopment #ddd #learning
#vienna #eventstorming #domainstorytelling #ImpactMapping #modeling #curvy #straight #comocamp #collaboration #softwarearchitecture #softwaredevelopment #ddd #learning
Hello world❣️We are the Collaborative Modeling Unconference that brings together creators and practitioners of methods like #EventStorming, #UserStoryMapping, #ExampleMapping, and #DomainStorytelling. We're very happy to announce that the registration for the ComoCamp 2023 is open: 👉 comocamp.org/#tickets. Get your ticket now! 🙂 #dddesign #introduction
#eventstorming #userstorymapping #examplemapping #domainstorytelling #dddesign #introduction
Teaching a course on #DomainDrivenDesign today. The students are using Miro to do their #EventStorming exercise, so no need to unwrap my sticky notes. 🙂
#domaindrivendesign #eventstorming
If you want to learn about #EventStorming, I recommend you read this first.
Introducing EventStorming by @ziobrando
If you'd like to start with #EventStorming, I recommend @kenny_baas talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvkBKvMnyuc
Informative and actionable. I also like putting Event Storming in a broader context together with other tools like Example Mapping.
The other combination that helps me to zoom in and zoom out is Event Storming + C4 model. It helps to make theories and evaluate them around the technical design and tools composition.
The slide deck for my Event Storming Workshop at @codemash is available at http://introtoeventstorming.azurewebsites.net/ #ddd #EventStorming #codemash
2 great conversations going on in step 2 of our Event Storming Workshop at @codemash #codemash #eventstorming #ddd
Today I actually managed to bring some #C4 #architecture and #eventstorming into practice. #ddd
#ddd #eventstorming #architecture #c4
Today I actually managed to bring some #C4 #architecture and #eventstorming into practice. #ddd
#ddd #eventstorming #architecture #c4