Już wkrótce do sprzedaży trafi jej nowa wersja Everdell, która dedykowana jest najmłodszym graczom 😊
#everdell #planszowki #gry #pograne
We spent the evening in the #everdell meadow. Hubs eeked out the win on the SECOND tier tie breaker. Congrats to me, I married a winner, but it was sooooo close.
#everdell #game #gamenite #gamenight
#Everdell game: Bellfare + Newleaf + legendary cards + player powers (Pigs for me). 135 points. 76 in coins, mainly from events. A good hand and luck in the draw, I played the Mayor and 7 more cards in the first round. I barely had to spend workers to get resources, got everything from the card engine. It felt unfair. Is it a good score?
Sohn: Nur mal „kurz“ ein neues Brettspiel ausprobieren? 🥹 Was folgt ➡️ 20 min Erklärvideo folgend einer epischen, fast 2 stündigen Battle um Rohstoffe, einzigartige Wesen und mächtige Bauwerke 😂#familienleben #brettspiele #everdell Auf eine baldige Revanche!
#familienleben #brettspiele #everdell
It’s @BGStatsApp day! 32 plays of 20 games is more than I expected. March is usually a good month but this year it didn’t seem like we got through as many games at #AireCon as we usually do, but most of them were pretty good.
I’m continuing enjoying playing through #WelcomeToTheMoon and #Everdell is a new fave.
And at the other end I need to remember that I rarely enjoy the likes of #Secrets and #CockroachPoker - bluffing is not my thing!
#airecon #WelcomeToTheMoon #everdell #secrets #cockroachpoker #boardgames #bgstats
Tuesday night #BoardGames included
- #WelcomeToTheMoon in which we reached Adventure 6: The one where the humans make the moon inhabitable with numerous virus outbreaks. This was a definite step up in length and complexity from the previous episodes.
- and #Cartographers where it was nice to play with my friends scoring cards from the Heroes box for a change from the base set
- also forget to photograph #Everdell but my friend enjoyed it as I hoped she would!
#boardgames #WelcomeToTheMoon #Cartographers #everdell
The copy of #Everdell that I ordered at the weekend arrived yesterday and I just about found time to sneak in a quick solo game against Rugwort the Rascal. I only just beat him - I ended up with too much production and not enough other stuff that would earn me points. It feels so hard to get resources at the start but I ramped up too far and couldn’t find useful things to build at the end! Looking forward to trying the next level.
Finally got to win an #Everdell game, but it was a tie in 53 points. The two events gave me the win 😅
A good first day of #AireCon starting with getting here safely on a snowy day!
We got to play #Everdell at last which we loved, it seemed very slow at first but quickly accelerated. The teen had all the resources coming in but I got the most points 😃 Definitely one we want to play again.
Other hits were #InTheFootstepsOfDarwin and #WaggleDance.
#airecon #everdell #inthefootstepsofdarwin #waggledance #boardgames
In der zweiten Runde Everdell hab ich gewonnen. Allerdings nur, weil ich dem Mann verboten habe, den Narr auf den letzten Platz in meiner Stadt zu spielen. Da sollte nämlich der König hin, den ich mir hart erarbeitet hatte. Wenn er mir das auf dem letzten Meter kaputt gemacht hätte, wäre ich ausgeflippt. Ganz ehrlich, er gewinnt ohnehin 8 von 10 Spielen, da kann er mir ja wohl einen Sieg auch mal gönnen, oder?
Join Bob for a few helpful hints to make Everdell, from Starling Games, feel more like home.
#BoardGames #StrategyGuide #Tips #Everdell #WorkerPlacement #Top6List
#Top6List #workerplacement #everdell #tips #StrategyGuide #boardgames
Ayer, sábado, abrimos de nuevo las puertas del Espai Jove a la diversión en torno a los juegos de mesa.
Recibimos la visita de dos jugones potenciales, esperamos hayan disfrutado como nosotr@s 😃
Hemos probado #ComfortsCreature y nos ha encantado, con un cierto sabor a #Everdell, pero más ligero. La puesta en escena nos ha cautivado y las mecánicas de dados muy apropiadas.
#CabrasMontesas ha vuelto a hacer las delicias de mayores y pequeños, un juego intergeneracional muy divertido.
#ElReyDeLosDados gana visualidad e interacción en su formato de tablero, sacrificando ligereza.
En #ElReyDeTokyo (#KingOfTokyo) nos hemos enfrentado 6 enormes monstruos para ver quién se corona, batiéndonos entre los hogares de asombrados nipones, solo ha quedado uno.
Hemos abierto boca con #SushiGoParty, con menú previo a la cena.
La semana que viene volveremos con más juegos y, esperamos que, con nuevos visitantes que quieran compartir un rato divertido con nosotr@s.
¡Feliz semana! ¡No dejéis de jugar!
#Alfafar #Valencia
#comfortscreature #everdell #cabrasmontesas #elreydelosdados #elreydetokyo #kingoftokyo #sushigoparty #alfafar #valencia #juegosdemesa #boardgames #ElCaboDelJuego
@Mrfunkedude @WestCoastChelle #today we are having some family over. They are bringing Everdell (Complete Edition), both the main game, and a kids version. If you have never played #Everdell its fantastic. Also the theme and art makes me think a lot of Redwall.
@Gazimoff Happy Monday! @Vosskah and I played #Raft and #DivinityOriginalSin2. Last weekend we played #Everdell so I was told no board games this weekend, only PC games. 😂
#raft #divinityoriginalsin2 #everdell
Played #Everdell for the first time on the table after trying the digital version. Our local library system has board games available to check out which is a fantastic way to try a game before deciding to purchase it. I underestimated the table space needed! #boardgames
It took a good week's worth of free time to completely move everything from the original boxes into each of these huge boxes that arrived recently.
#Everdell is complete and nearly all sleeved (I was missing the mini sleeves, but they are on the way), plus several hundred stickers for the #Meeples
#Wingspan has all of the released expansions so far, plus the newer two-sided natural rubber playmats, meeplesource food tokens, and my own 3D printed player pieces.
#everdell #meeples #wingspan #boardgames
The 5 year old asked to play My Lil #Everdell this evening, and he asked for us to play a 2-player game, plus the Princess Periwinkle automa. He’s really focused on getting his parades now, and he scored 61 points to my 46, and the automa’s 43. This is the first time I’ve played in my own right and it is a nicely gentle experience with more decision-making than you might give it credit for at first glance. A nice, relaxing after work game. #BoardGames.
I had another game of #MyLilEverdell with the 5-year-old over the weekend. He’s really got the hang of the worker placement and resource management aspects of the game. He still chooses cards based on the artwork (and who can blame him?) so I’m working on helping him to understand how the different card types contribute to Parades. We’re still working against the solo mode while he learns, but it won’t be long before we’re ready for a two-player game. #BoardGames #Everdell
#MyLilEverdell #boardgames #everdell
Ich konnte gerade #everdell mit nem Kollegen anspielen. Wie wunderschön ist bitte das ganze Spiel designt? Nächsten Sonntag wird dann einmal richtig gezockt. #Brettspiel