A problem is a difference between things as desired and things as perceived.
-- Donald Gause & Gerald Weinberg (Are Your Lights On?)
⬆ #Quotes #DonaldGauseGeraldWeinberg #ProblemSolving
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Panopainting #Seashells #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #donaldgausegeraldweinberg #problemsolving #photography #panorama #panopainting #seashells #everglades #florida
#Florida’s #Environmental Failures Are a Warning for the Rest of the U.S.
By Jeff VanderMeer, July 12, 2023
"Dynamite and dredging were the tools chosen to drain the #Everglades and tame the waters. What once belonged to the #Tequesta #NativeAmericans, amid a wealth of #wildlife, became #ParkingLots and #Hotels owned by #WhitePeople. Today, many of those parking lots are submerged during #storms and, in some areas, the hotels overlook waters #toxic with #industrial and #construction #waste..."
Read more:
#DeSantis #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #Colonialism
#florida #environmental #everglades #tequesta #nativeamericans #wildlife #ParkingLots #Hotels #whitepeople #storms #toxic #industrial #construction #waste #desantis #ClimateChange #climatecatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #colonialism
🌿 Disturbing news about the Everglades! According to a recent article, this unique and vital ecosystem has become extremely vulnerable due to the climate crisis. The impacts on wildlife, water resources, and the delicate balance of this biome are alarming.
#everglades #climatecrisis #ecosystemprotection
"There are no other #Everglades in the world. They are, they always have been, one of the unique regions of the #Earth, remote, never wholly known. Nothing anywhere else is like them." – #MarjoryStonemanDouglas (yes, the school's namesake)
#FloridaMan, born of the Everglades: Nothing anywhere else is like them.
The #swampy #RiverOfGrass fights back.
#riverofgrass #swampy #floridaman #marjorystonemandouglas #Earth #everglades
There are no whole truths: all truths are half-truths. It is trying to treat them as whole truths that plays the devil.
-- Alfred North Whitehead
⬆ #Quotes #AlfredNorthWhitehead #Certainty #Truth
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Sunset #JohnsonKey #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #alfrednorthwhitehead #certainty #truth #photography #panorama #sunset #johnsonkey #everglades #florida
The #Everglades put on a show, last night. A thunderhead drifted south and caught the sun over the cypress. This is about 10 photos, all stitched into one to maintain the scale of the sawgrass prairie, the trees and the sky, beyond it. #FindYourPark
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
-- Winston Churchill
⬆ #Quotes #WinstonChurchill #Success
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Sunset #JohnsonKey #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #winstonchurchill #success #photography #panorama #sunset #johnsonkey #everglades #florida
There is nothing permanent except change.
-- Heraclitus ((circa 535-475 BCE))
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Panopainting #Seashells #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #heraclitus #change #photography #panorama #panopainting #seashells #everglades #florida
Experience with technology teaches us that once a technology makes something possible, it gets applied, whether for good or bad.
-- Donald Norman
⬆ #Quotes #DonaldNorman #Technology
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Panopainting #Kayaks #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #donaldnorman #technology #photography #panorama #panopainting #kayaks #everglades #florida
Real transparency means that the user gets access to the information, not to a policy about the information.
-- Marc Rotenberg (NY Times (Jul 30, 2009))
⬆ #Quotes #MarcRotenberg #Advertising #Transparency #Web
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Sunset #JohnsonKey #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #marcrotenberg #advertising #transparency #web #photography #panorama #sunset #johnsonkey #everglades #florida
Experience is NOT what happens to you; it is what YOU DO with what happens to you.
-- Aldous Huxley
⬆ #Quotes #AldousHuxley #Experience
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Sunset #JohnsonKey #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #aldoushuxley #experience #photography #panorama #sunset #johnsonkey #everglades #florida
The recipe for perpetual ignorance: be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.
-- Elbert Hubbard
#quotes #elberthubbard #ignorance #photography #panorama #kayak #everglades #florida
I route, therefore you are.
-- Jon Lewis (Email Signature)
⬆ #Quotes #JonLewis #Computers #Networks
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Sunset #JohnsonKey #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #jonlewis #computers #networks #photography #panorama #sunset #johnsonkey #everglades #florida
We work not only to produce but to give value to time.
-- Eugene Delacroix
⬆ #Quotes #EugeneDelacroix #Work
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Mangrove #RabbitKey #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #eugenedelacroix #work #photography #panorama #mangrove #rabbitkey #everglades #florida
Odd that Evangelicals never impose Christianity on themselves.
-- Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers)
⬆ #Quotes #BettyBowers #Evangelicals #Religion
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Panopainting #Kayaks #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #bettybowers #evangelicals #religion #photography #panorama #panopainting #kayaks #everglades #florida
Tolerance by itself can be a cover for moral laziness. In a world with real and pressing problems, tolerance is merely a precondition for politics -- it is not itself a meaningful politics.
-- Bill McKibben
⬆ #Quotes #BillMcKibben #Tolerance
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Sunset #Kayaks #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #BillMcKibben #tolerance #photography #panorama #sunset #kayaks #everglades #florida
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
-- Theodore Roosevelt
⬆ #Quotes #TheodoreRoosevelt #Life
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Panopainting #Kayaks #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #theodoreroosevelt #life #photography #panorama #panopainting #kayaks #everglades #florida
A good composer does not imitate; he steals.
-- Igor Stravinksy
⬆ #Quotes #IgorStravinksy #Imitation #Music
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Panopainting #Seashells #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #igorstravinksy #imitation #music #photography #panorama #panopainting #seashells #everglades #florida
The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it's too late.
-- Seymour Cray
⬆ #Quotes #SeymourCray #Computers #Programming
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Panopainting #Seashells #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #seymourcray #computers #programming #photography #panorama #panopainting #seashells #everglades #florida
We're going to have the best-educated American people in the world.
-- Dan Quayle
#quotes #danquayle #education #humor #photography #panorama #kayak #everglades #florida