is it #wednesday? yet an other captain haddock?
no! here at #mamema it is time for #wechatwednesday!
although the #insolvency of #evergrande is rather old news, i pick up the subject. while i dont agree with the let-the-market-regulate-bros, obscuring numbers and restructuring behind curtains arent the way to go either.
#china #realestate #xijinping (what has he to do with it?! -well #authoritarianism is a two edged sword; pro: you are in control con: you are in control) #xi #meme #economy
#wednesday #mamema #wechatwednesday #insolvency #evergrande #china #RealEstate #xijinping #authoritarianism #Xi #meme #economy
is it #wednesday? yet an other captain haddock?
no! here at #mamema it is time for #wechatwednesday!
though the #insolvency of #evergrande is rather old news, i pick up the subject. while i dont agree with the let-the-market-regulate-bros, obscuring numbers and restructuring behind curtains arent the way to go either.
#china #realestate #xijinping (what has he to do with it?! -well #authoritarianism is a two edged sword; pro: you are in control con: you are in control) #xi #beijing
#wednesday #mamema #wechatwednesday #insolvency #evergrande #china #RealEstate #xijinping #authoritarianism #Xi #beijing
La china Country Garden propone un periodo de gracia para un bono que vence esta semana #AFC_News #AFColegiado #Promotorasenconcursodeacreedores #Marketnavigator #Internacional #Evergrande #China
#afc_news #afcolegiado #promotorasenconcursodeacreedores #marketnavigator #internacional #evergrande #china
The bright side of Evergrande’s collapse? More crypto volatility - Evergrande’s ongoing bankruptcy saga has significant macroeconomi... - #evergrande #china
La promotora china Evergrande reduce sus pérdidas, pero se hunde en su regreso a la bolsa #AFC_News #AFColegiado #Mercadosinternacionales #Insolvenciapromotora #Marketnavigator #Internacional #Evergrande #HongKong #China
#afc_news #afcolegiado #mercadosinternacionales #insolvenciapromotora #marketnavigator #internacional #evergrande #hongkong #china
Chinesischer Immobilienkonzern Evergrande halbiert Verlust
Evergrande ist das am höchsten verschuldete Immobilienunternehmen der Welt. Noch steht eine Entscheidung aus, ob der chinesische Konzern zerschlagen wird. Nun meldete er für das erste Halbjahr eine Halbierung der Verluste.
#evergrande #china #immobilien
#china #peking #immobilienwirtschsft #immobilienkrise #evergrande
Bevölkerungsschwund, Immobilienblase, ParteikuratelPleiten, Pech und Peking: Droht China die Wirtschaftskrise? #Evergrande #XiJinping #Ausland #Alibaba #China
#china #alibaba #ausland #xijinping #evergrande
Un vent de crise immobilière en provenance de Chine et incluant les États-Unis souffle en ce moment. De quoi penser "crise des subprimes". #economie #chine #etatsunis #immobilier #evergrande #bulle #journadon
#economie #chine #etatsunis #immobilier #evergrande #bulle #journadon
other than for #musk follies*, i havent kept a #evergrande #meme in stock. the decay of evergrande has been going on for a while, but it is definitely something to keep an eye on.
#china #economy
do your own research (tm) /s
#musk #evergrande #meme #china #economy
2023/8/19 Media Summary Afternoon #crosspost
#Texas chainsaw Massacre game
#Cash Wheeler
This random man’s guitar skills are unmatched
Kitty Express
Post Malone lost 60 lbs, 27kg by cutting soda
Kaisermantel - 17 Aug 2023 - Flickr
#crosspost #texas #cash #evergrande #rocknrollheaven #work
Pro: Evergrande Group chapter 15 'indirectly influenced Bitcoin sentiment' - In a surprising turn of events, the recent developments surrounding the Evergrande Group'... - #bitcoinnews #evergrande #bankruptcy #btcprice #bitcoin #yuan
#yuan #bitcoin #btcprice #bankruptcy #evergrande #bitcoinnews
Crunch Time: Evergrande meldet in den USA Gläubigerschutz an.
#evergrande #Insolvenz #wirtschaft
Borsa | effetto Cina e tassi Fed sull' Europa | Milano - 0 | 9%
#18agosto #evergrande
Sind wir eigentlich am Arsch?
🔸 #Evergrande, il colosso #immobiliare cinese dichiara #bancarotta. Il promotore immobiliare cinese più indebitato al mondo ha presentato istanza di fallimento e chiesto la protezione dai creditori in un tribunale a #Manhattan #NewYork #China
#evergrande #immobiliare #bancarotta #manhattan #newyork #china #Evergrande dichiara fallimento. #Cina #Economia
China’s prominent real estate conglomerate, Evergrande Group, has taken a significant step by filing for bankruptcy protection in the United States.
#ChineseCompany #UnitedStates #Evergrande #EvergrandeGroup #USNews
#chinesecompany #unitedstates #evergrande #evergrandegroup #usnews