Just finished #reading Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell. What a wonderful book. I was wary at first because I don't generally like romances (too much bad history in my own life) but she spun the story expertly and drew me in. It's in a Sci Fi setting and the world is well built and compelling. This is her first novel and I look forward to more. #SciFi #read #book #books #EverinaMaxwell #WintersOrbit #ScienceFiction
#reading #scifi #read #book #books #everinamaxwell #wintersorbit #sciencefiction
Halfway through “Ocean’s Echo” by #EverinaMaxwell and I have classic happy reader’s mixed feelings: I don’t want it to end — really good book! — but at the same time I can’t wait to see how it turns out.
Love the characters, the universe, everything about it. Enough complexity to make it real but I don’t get lost in the details of the world-building.
The first book, “Winter’s Orbit”, was also outstanding — same universe, different cast. Highly recommend!
#everinamaxwell #SciFi #QueerBooks #AmReading #books
In no particular order, some authors I’ve enjoyed this year:
#KDEdwards ( #TheTarotSequence )
#DyrkAshton ( #Paternus )
#RebeccaRoanhorse ( #BetweenEarthAndSky )
#TamsynMuir ( #TheLockedTomb )
#BrandonSanderson ( all things #Cosmere )
#TJKlune ( #TheHouseInTheCeruleanSea )
#ChinaMieville ( #Kraken )
#UrsulaKLeGuin ( #TheLeftHandOfDarkness & #Earthsea )
#EverinaMaxwell ( #WintersOrbit )
#PDjeliClark ( #AMasterOfDjinn )
#MaggieStiefvater ( #TheDreamerTrilogy )
#OlivieBlake ( #TheAtlas )
#DavidRSlayton ( #AdamBinder )
#RogerZelazny ( #LordOfLight )
#MarthaWells ( #TheMurderbotDiaries )
#TerryPratchett ( #Discworld )
#TravisBaldree ( #LegendsAndLattes )
#ZamilAkhtar ( #GunmetalGods )
#ArkadyMartine ( #Teixcalaan )
#DennisETaylor ( #Bobiverse )
#FondaLee ( #TheGreenBoneSaga )
#NicholasEames ( #TheBand )
#SusannaClarke ( #Piranesi )
#KaiAshanteWilson ( #TheSorcererOfTheWildeeps )
If you’ve got any recommendations, feel free to shout them out! #Scifi #Fantasy #SFF #Bookstadon #ScifiReads #FantasyReads #ScifiFantasy #QueerScifi #QueerSFF
#kdedwards #thetarotsequence #dyrkashton #paternus #rebeccaroanhorse #betweenearthandsky #tamsynmuir #thelockedtomb #brandonsanderson #cosmere #tjklune #thehouseintheceruleansea #chinamieville #kraken #ursulakleguin #thelefthandofdarkness #earthsea #everinamaxwell #wintersorbit #pdjeliclark #amasterofdjinn #maggiestiefvater #thedreamertrilogy #olivieblake #theatlas #davidrslayton #adambinder #rogerzelazny #lordoflight #marthawells #themurderbotdiaries #terrypratchett #discworld #travisbaldree #legendsandlattes #zamilakhtar #gunmetalgods #arkadymartine #teixcalaan #dennisetaylor #bobiverse #fondalee #thegreenbonesaga #nicholaseames #theband #susannaclarke #piranesi #kaiashantewilson #thesorcererofthewildeeps #scifi #fantasy #sff #bookstadon #scifireads #fantasyreads #scififantasy #queerscifi #queersff
Currently about halfway through ‘Ocean’s Echo,’ and I think I might somehow love it even more than ‘Winter’s Orbit.’ #EverinaMaxwell has to be my favorite new author I’ve discovered this year. #Books #QueerLit #Bookstodon
#everinamaxwell #books #queerlit #bookstodon
Okay I finished reading #OceansEcho by #EverinaMaxwell & I really enjoyed it. Best reading experience ever.
I do admit I wish the 2 mains had been hurt more (read: the story could've gone darker than it did) and then in turn that the 2 mains had been more affectionate (explicit heart-melting hugs/cuddles) with each other.
#FanFiction spoils me.
Does anyone have any #SciFi #Fantasy #Horror #OriginalFiction recommendations that reallyl knows what it's about re: #HurtComfort ?
#oceansecho #everinamaxwell #fanfiction #scifi #fantasy #horror #originalfiction #hurtcomfort
I'm reading #OceansEcho by #EverinaMaxwell and damn it is ticking all the boxes.
#SpaceSciFi ✅
Space #psychics ✅
Mind syncing trope ✅
#SlowBurn ✅
Endearing main characters ✅
AHH so good srsly
#oceansecho #everinamaxwell #spacescifi #psychics #slowburn