The final days of Blaugust
...and I'm ending it as I began it...
#Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #DCUniverseOnline #Diablo3 #DungeonsDragonsOnline #EverQuest #EverQuest2 #Neverwinter #SecondLife
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #dcuniverseonline #diablo3 #dungeonsdragonsonline #everquest #everquest2 #neverwinter #secondlife
Palia First Impressions: A Promising Start to a Social MMO Adventure
If you were waiting for the second coming of Free Realms, Palia ain't it. But, if you hate adventuring and love gathering and crafting in your MMO of choice, you might just find a new home in Palia, th
#Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #EverQuest2 #FinalFantasyXIV #FreeRealms #Gatheryn #NeoSteam #Palia #SecondLife #palia
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #everquest2 #finalfantasyxiv #freerealms #gatheryn #neosteam #palia #secondlife
This Day In Blogging: August 1, 2006
I've been blogging for 25 years. Here's the things I was blogging about on the first day of August in 1998-ish, 2006, 2008, 2012, and 2020. Enjoy!
#Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #Everquest2 #MicrosoftFlightSimulator #povray
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #everquest2 #microsoftflightsimulator #povray
Why is my #Everquest2 Erudite illusionist named Leialeelaiel? Two reasons:
1) Erudite NPCs in that game tend to have names that make the eyes bleed, like Aalithiana and Oolimeminoso and Lieoonlioo.
2) I discovered that one of my favorite pretty name endings, -aiel, was Leia backwards (another name I think is pretty), and so I immediately had to make a palindrome out of the whole thing.
It's pronounced Leia-LEE-lye-el, and frankly I think it is a LOVELY name. For an Erudite.
Reposting my #introduction for this instance:
I'm a retired novelist who adores story-driven games (PC, PS5, Xbox) and roleplay. You can find several of my social gaming handles in my bio. I founded and help run a roleplay guild in #WowClassic, and I post a lot of stuff about my current playthroughs of various games including:
#MassEffect #TheOuterWorlds #PillarsOfEternity #DragonAge #StardewValley #Diablo #Diablo2 #Diablo4 #Fallout #ElderScrolls #EverQuest #EverQuest2
#introduction #wowclassic #masseffect #theouterworlds #pillarsofeternity #dragonage #stardewvalley #diablo #diablo2 #diablo4 #fallout #elderscrolls #everquest #everquest2
I think I will start posting periodic "my life in gaming today"
Today I got my butt kicked in #Diablo4, which I am terrible at apparently. Even on "easy mode," once I get past like level 13, everything in the zone just murders me so fast, and I have no idea how to get better gear than I'm getting.
I took refuge in a game without level scaling, #everquest2, where my level 12 illusionist Leialeelaiel (don't ask) murdered the heck out of some level 9 and 10 stuff. I game to relax, people.
A list of games I currrently play at least a little, that you could play with me sometime if you don't mind being forever low level and feeling no urgency whatsoever to become a 1337 max level whatever:
#Diablo2 Resurrected
#wowclassic #everquest #everquest2 #elderscrollsonline #diablo2 #diablo3 #diablo4
My game-brain is just so weird. Nostalgically obsessed with #EverQuest of all things lately, both the original and #everquest2.
I would invite people to play with me, but literally no one would ever want to play the way I do. It is SO non-optimal from a gaming perspective and only satisfies my desire to See and Do All The Things.
I have literally never reached max level in either game.
@Tipa @massivelyop For me, the deciding factor for me will be the proximity of feel to Vanguard. I didn't play EQ the first time around (was a UO player), and I never have been able to get EQ2 to stick.
But I loved (and hated) Vanguard and am hoping that Pantheon "feels" like it's in the same ballpark.
And each year it's delayed, my kids are a bit older, and I have that much more free time. :lol:
#vanguardsoh #pantheon #everquest #everquest2
The Official, Scientific, 2023 List of Popular MMORPGs
#Aion #AllodsOnline #BlackDesertOnline #DarkAgesOfCamelot #DCUniverseOnline #DungeonsDragonsOnline #EliteDangerous #EvEOnline #EverQuest #EverQuest2 #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXI #FinalFantasyXIV #GuildWars #LordOfTheRings #LostArk #MapleStory #MMOs #Neverwinter #NewWorld #OldSchoolRunescape #Pirate101 #ProjectGorgon #RealmOfTheMadGod #Rift #RunesOfM
#aion #allodsonline #blackdesertonline #darkagesofcamelot #dcuniverseonline #dungeonsdragonsonline #elitedangerous #eveonline #everquest #everquest2 #ffxiv #finalfantasyxi #finalfantasyxiv #guildwars #lordoftherings #lostark #maplestory #mmos #neverwinter #newworld #oldschoolrunescape #pirate101 #projectgorgon #realmofthemadgod #rift #runesofm
Jukebox Heroes: Six great EverQuest II expansion tunes #EverQuest2
I play quite a bit of video games in my spare time (if I am not writing, reading, or watching 70s Kung Fu movies).
My top three games played are:
#7DaysToDie (a post-zombie apocalypse, open-world, survival crafting game) Hands down favorite.
#Empyrion (a sci-fi, open-world, survival crafting game) Though this one less so recently after the game start was revamped.
#EverQuest (a fantasy, open-world, MMORPG)
Runners up: #LordOfTheRingsOnline ( #LotRO ), and #EverQuest2
#gaming #aboutme #gamer #everquest2 #lotro #lordoftheringsonline #EverQuest #empyrion #7daystodie
I have a soft spot for Shadow Knights but one of my best friends ever was a Monk.
#everquest2 #everquestii #gaming #ThirstyBard
#everquest2 #everquestii #gaming #thirstybard
Thankful I took today off ahead of time, esp with how I'm feeling today.
But it's meant a bit of reading, ESO and now EQ2.
#gaming #ESO #Everquest2 #MMORPGMonday
#gaming #eso #everquest2 #mmorpgmonday
The downside of playing this game for such a long time, is I still have the memories of old loves and our first flirty encounter in the Enchanted Lands.
#EQ2 #MMORPG #memories #Everquest2
#eq2 #mmorpg #memories #everquest2
The season of love has once more swept across the entirety of EverQuest II as this week sees the return of Erollisi Day to the MMORPG from now until February 22nd, including the recently added lands of Ro and the time-limited expansion servers. #Everquest2
EverQuest II kicks off its Valentine’s Day celebration with new achievements and items #EverQuest2
After much debate, I decided to move my main out of my incredibly small, sheltered and not very interactive guild (for a long time I liked it that way) to accept an invite to a guild running end-game content. :blobcatscared:
Though it was hard to write that msg in my guild discord, but I'll still keep my alts in one of our alt guilds.
#EQ2 #Everquest2 #MMORPG #Gaming
#eq2 #everquest2 #mmorpg #gaming
My word.. I know gamers love to have a moan, but this thread about Everquest 2 is:
1. Making me want to just re-start a char at Lvl 1 to enjoy the lore more.
2. Great example of why I no longer want to be a player who plays in a high-end raiding guild. Can't believe I put up with some of this thinking for years when I was a part of one..
#eq2 #mmorpg #everquest2 #rant