Considering #everwayRPG stats towards challenge resolutions (a six outright beats a five : no roll) an Urban Fantasy homebrew rpg. And Everway also had fortune deck draws, and follow the fiction/law of drama as well.
I'm running a short season of #TTRPG games on my discord, they are somewhat experimental, as the GMs are improvising on the day, or have written a scenario specifically for it.
The premise? The aftermath of a heist gone wrong.
Games are UK/EU friendly but Sat too for those in US or Canada. It runs in the first two weeks of June
Some excellent GMs inc @SavageSpiel @neilnjae @johnpwalter and systems such as #everwayRPG #Alien #KULT & #Fiasco
#ttrpg #everwayrpg #alien #KULT #Fiasco