...speaking of "in the 90s," in the 90s I used to have a (comically oversized) t-shirt with that Pat Robertson quote about how feminism makes women leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians
and, in fairness to the now blessedly deceased Rev Pat, over the years I have had serious runs at all of those except the infanticide
good times, good times
Inserting a disc into your computer so you can practice typing with Maevis Beacon.
That scream of despair when a younger sibling clicked on the big, interesting round button on your laptop and you didn’t save your homework…
…and this is how we developed a nervous habit of ctrl+s that lasts to this day.
Staring at that flying toaster screensaver for far too long a time…
Taping "The Simpsons" and "Ren & Stimpy" on 30 VHSs (still in the basement!)...
Buying something at Daimaru purely for the free inner city parking.
Borrowing Muppet Christmas Carol on VHS from the local library all year round.
@aby stressing out over Y2K. #EveryBodyWasDoingThisInThe90s
Coming to grips with the fact we'd never see Keaton Bats again.
#everybodywasdoingthisinthe90s #batman
Adults who are not your parents being angry when they find out your parents don't hit you.
Falling in love with someone in skinny black jeans who smelled like cloves, whose name was Briar, wore black lipstick and eye-liner, and whose hair was taller than you were
Experiencing the traumas that went on to shape their 20s.
Folk art toilet roll holders.
Hand painted chipboard signs with teddy bears and a joke about doing dishes.
Jo sonja.
Watching cartoons on prime time free to air TV in which the villain turns out to be a large corporation which is polluting an environment, displacing animals or damaging communities.
Leaving your 1yo at home with your 12yo (or your neighbour's 12 yo) for a couple of hours. But only if the preteen is a girl.
Buying an open-topped little white paper bag of lollies (party mix).
No seal, no weight, no ingredients, no nutrition information.
Had they been handled by the canteen lady's bare hands? Were they contaminated with peanuts and gluten? Probably. Did people with allergies unrelated to party mix get sick? Almost certainly.