for the record, ableism is ugly and #EverydayAbleism is insidious, including the sort of pseudo-scientific ableism trying to tie blame to things such as "lower cognitive ability".
that sort of thing isn't responsible for the quality of someone's character.
yes, this is a subpost on main because I am absolutely done with things recently.
after class this evening I challenged my cinema professor to watch a film.
but not to watch it the way he normally does.
I explained that, although it won't be a perfect representation of #HearingLoss, dulling his hearing with a combination of cotton/noise-cancelling headphones, then putting the volume so low he could only halfway hear it.
and to watch two times, first without the captions, and then with.
on a movie that he's never seen before, because no cheating. #EverydayAbleism
and if you think otherwise?
if you've caught yourself laughing at how someone sounds.
if you make fun of the videos where people deliberately break the text-to-speech options and make it stutter and fail?
if you have told someone while they're struggling to figure it out to use their words?
you need to severely reexamine your privilege and the ableism that lead you there. because fuck that and fuck the horse it rode in on. #EverydayAbleism
hearing people? similarly, you are not entitled to d/Deaf and hard of hearing people's voices. you don't get to put expectations as to articulation, intonation, or anything like that on d/Deaf and hard of hearing people or say that how we communicate is or isn't okay. #EverydayAbleism
and let me be very, very clear.
abled people? you are not entitled to disabled people's voices. you are not entitled to your expectations of how disabled people sound or forcing disabled people to live up to certain standards (eye contact, tone of voice) to communicate with you. #EverydayAbleism
hey uh, abled people. if you're going to hold the door open for someone using a wheelchair and we tell you we got it that means we got it. it also probably means that you're in the way and are rushing getting run over if you stay where you are and keep trying to "help".
better yet don't help unless we ask you to. #EverydayAbleism #PublicServiceAnnouncement #PSA
#everydayableism #publicserviceannouncement #psa
First outing of 2023 and I was already tripped over in my wheelchair by someone staring at their phone. They didn't even acknowledge me. Like I'm just furniture #EverydayAbleism #WheelchairStories
#everydayableism #wheelchairstories
Gee I'd love to check out the "2020 Chaos and Hope" documentary about COVID but since they seem to not care about #Accessibility I can't....
(no captions for me and other deaf/hard of hearing people and no audio descriptions for the blind).
#accessibility #everydayableism