We're in the middle of a transition of seasons, of politics, of life philosophies, and a lot of overwhelming emotions. Focus on the kindness you give and receive. Be kind to everyone, including yourself.
#EverydayKindness #KindnessMatters #BeKind
#everydaykindness #kindnessmatters #bekind
Some stranger, somewhere, remembers you because you were kind.
Be kind. Be memorable.
#everydaykindness #bekind #kindnessmatters
Listen, you've survived 100% of the mistakes that you've made, and,
100% of your worst days.
You'll survive today.
#EverydayKindness #kindnessmatters #bekind
#everydaykindness #kindnessmatters #bekind
We live in a very lonely time. More people have reported depression and anxiety, which means that more people are spending more time in their heads.
If this is you, try being kind -- starting with being kind to yourself.
#EverydayKindness #KindnessMatters #BeKind
#everydaykindness #kindnessmatters #bekind
When you are kind to another person, you are making the world a more kind place.
Your kindness spreads out like seeds from a dandelion.
#everydaykindness #kindnessmatters #bekind
When you are kind, you bring light into everyone's life.
Be kind.
Be the light.
#EverydayKindness #KindnessMatters #BeKind
#everydaykindness #kindnessmatters #bekind
We give and give and give and give and give...
Until our giving flow dries up.
Self-care is how we keep our fill our own well, so that we can give some more.
Take care of yourself so that kindness flows from you.
#EverydayKindness #KindnessMatters #BeKind
#everydaykindness #kindnessmatters #bekind
Do you surround yourself with beauty?
Beauty is restorative. Why not make an effort to focus on something beautiful?
Google Art and Culture is free and will blow your mind. National Geographic is amazing.
My Romanian friend Sorin Onisor shares the gorgeous beauty of Romania. Soak it up.
#EverydayKindness #KindnessMatters #BeKind
#everydaykindness #kindnessmatters #bekind
Sometimes, for some people, they have to practice being kind to someone else before they can be kind to themselves. If this is you, then try this -- keep track of the kindnesses you do for other people. This is not a resentment list. You are documenting your actions so that you can start doing the same number of things for yourself.
#everydaykindness #bekind #kindnessmatters
The message is simple -- "Be Kind."
Be kind to yourself first. That means take care of yourself. If you're tired, take a nap. Cut back on stimulants and get more sleep. Stop dealing with situations and people who make you feel like crap. Give yourself the gift of your own advice.
Then, and only then, try to be kind to someone else.
#EverydayKindness #KindnessMatters #BeKind
#everydaykindness #kindnessmatters #bekind
Sometimes, we hold onto our rage against ourselves out of loyalty to those who taught us to hate ourselves. After all, they said we were worthless. They cannot be wrong!
But seriously --- do you like them enough to loyally hand your life over to people who treated you terribly? (I don't.)
It's time to be loyal to yourself, first. Stop raging at yourself.
#EverydayKindness #KindnessMatters #BeKind #LoyaltoSelfFirst
#everydaykindness #kindnessmatters #bekind #loyaltoselffirst
"A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve." Joseph Goubert
#everydaykindness #kindnessmatters #bekind
When was the last time your forgave yourself? No. Really, forgave yourself.
This week, let's try this -- stand in the mirror. Look yourself in the eyes and say, "I forgive you."
Try it. You deserve your own forgiveness.
#EverydayKindness #KindnessMatters #BeKind #ForgiveYourself
#everydaykindness #kindnessmatters #bekind #forgiveyourself
Hi I’m Karyn! I post easy & free ways to be kind every day! Here’s today’s: Act Kindly! If you are on public transportation, look around you! If you see someone who would benefit from having a seat, please give them yours! This works great in crowded airport gate areas, waiting rooms and other places too! Please share & help spread kindness everywhere! Thank you!
#ActKindly #kindness #EverydayKindness
#everydaykindness #kindness #actkindly