Your basic, #everydaythings piece of rock. Broken off a bigger #rock at some time. Probably took #millions of years to form. Now it’s lying next to a concrete path, #unnoticed. It will probably be around for another few million years, which is more than I can say.
#everydaythings #rock #millions #unnoticed
Good evening. Here's today's random photo. .
#Succulents #SilverDollarPlant
#EverydayThings #Photo #Photography. #Nature #Garden #NaturePhotography.
#succulents #silverdollarplant #everydaythings #photo #photography #nature #garden #naturephotography
Good morning. Here's Day 13..
Photo taken this week of flowers in a street planter using the trusty csmera on mobile phone. I think it could be a type of Thyme?
#Flowers #Nature #Photography #Streetlife
#ArtAdventCalendar #floweradventcalendar #natureadventcalendar #flowers #nature #photography #streetlife #FlowersOfMastodon #flowerphotography #naturephotography #everydaythings
Garden visitor
#Garden. #Nature #Gardening #Photography #EverydayThings #Gardening
#garden #nature #gardening #photography #everydaythings
Cressida Campbell - National Gallery of Australia
Highly recommend this #CressidaCampbell exhibition and her #Art, #Woodblocks and #Printmaking more broadly.
I was not familiar with this #AustralianArtist and went to see what all the talk was about. I found the pieces to be immediately engaging and accessible; lovely, colourful and meticilous glimpses into the beauty to be found in #EverydayLife.
#AustralianArt #Painting #EverydayThings #Nature #Domestic #SimpleThings #FindingJoy #Canberra
#NGA #SummerExhibition #Peaceful
I cannot locate the title of these pieces that feature in the exhibition and cover the walls of the entrance area. Stunning.
#cressidacampbell #art #woodblocks #printmaking #australianartist #everydaylife #australianart #painting #everydaythings #nature #domestic #simplethings #findingjoy #canberra #nga #summerexhibition #peaceful
grad ein Einschreiben bekommen, Umschlag völlig zerstört u die Post hat den Inhalt am Restfetznumschlag festgetackert damit nix rausfällt. Dass sowas noch ankommt ist echt erstaunlich!
Discovered at #graz airport. Quiz question: Where is the bus? A hint, there is no information on the right side... #HCI #everydaythings