I couldn’t bear watching #everythingeverywherealatonce and took several sessions to get through it. #ElvisMovie should have won #AustinButler should have won as @bestactor and #BazLurman should have been nominated
#everythingeverywherealatonce #elvismovie #austinbutler #bazlurman
Yesterday I watched Everything Everywhere all at once.
🇬🇧 I just watched #EverythingEverywhereAlAtOnce and half quite inventive, and then it's such an abstraction that you have to hold tight to the couch 😂
🇵🇱 Obejrzałem właśnie #WszystkoWszędzieNaraz i do połowy całkiem pomysłowy, a potem to już taka abstrakcja, że trzeba się mocno trzymać kanapy 😂
#wszystkowszedzienaraz #everythingeverywherealatonce