In den 00er-Jahren haben evangelikale Eltern ihre Kinder von Harry Potter ferngehalten. Heute tun das Transmenschen.
Nachdem ich damals leider versäumt habe, aus Schelmerei extra massenweise HP-Bücher zu kaufen, kann ich heute kein Statement mehr setzen. Ich fand schon den ersten Band langweilig. Mir bleibt nichts übrig, als auch die Serie einfach zu ignorieren.
Nur ab jetzt ganz bewusst.
#jkrowling #harrypotter #evangelikal #transrights #boycott #everythingispolitical
#everythingispolitical #boycott #transrights #evangelikal #harrypotter #jkrowling
In den 00er-Jahren haben evangelikale Eltern ihre Kinder von Harry Potter ferngehalten. Heute tun das Transmenschen.
Nachdem ich damals leider versäumt habe, aus Schelmerei extra massenweise HP-Bücher zu kaufen, kann ich heute kein Statement mehr setzen. Ich fand schon den ersten Band langweilig. Mir bleibt nichts übrig, als auch die Serie einfach zu ignorieren.
Aber ab jetzt natürlich ganz bewusst.
#jkrowling #harrypotter #evangelikal #transrights #boycott #everythingispolitical
#everythingispolitical #boycott #transrights #evangelikal #harrypotter #jkrowling
@Heliograph @jakecoppinger indeed, I feel like one or two surprises from the Gladys era are left to be unveiled
It's just quite rare to have anything but functionalism, particularly in public transport
But universally in America, where I fear the car lobby even extends its influence into making bus windows smaller, paint schemes blacker, general atmospheres grittier
It's one unbroken line from racism to "white flight" #everythingispolitical
@mlepage I forgot to ask you to clarify:
Is the "minimum $35" a kind of policy that prevents you from reaching zero?
If so there's doubtless a fruitful discussion about the nature and effectiveness of cross-subsidy, and encouraging transitions to accelerate beyond their natural pace
Aaaaand quickly coming up the rear is an associated discussion on the necessity and effectiveness of Redistribution of Wealth and the duty of public utilities (looking at you, banking sector)
#everythingispolitical and never more so when the big thumb of the mining industry extracts enough (extra) money, from every customer, to pay for everything we need to transition to renewables
@TechConnectify I'm naturally uncomfortable pushing any kind of barrow of "it doesn't matter that I'm in Australia", so I won't do that. I *would* like to know if that's true, though. If only because I know we Aussies make enough PV to decarbonise already, if only we'd waste 10s of billions on something useful like storage instead of 100s of billions on something fancy & weird like nuclear #everythingispolitical
What constructive argument I can offer is:
In my winter months (3-6 of them) I expect to operate net-zero-dollars, which is to say I expect to be able to buy & sell enough to keep the bill at $0, or perhaps the Usage charges only?
This may also apply to higher latitudes like Europe, Canada.
What is *not* applicable outside sunbelt states like mine:
For all but one "winter-est" month — and with 25 kWh house battery — I expect to be able to operate "grid independent" for 11 out of 12 months of the year, except in storm weeks
(I super-sized my house battery to stick it to the mining giants)
“The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is itself a political attitude” George Orwell
#art #politics #everythingispolitical #graphicnovel #comics
@thetitanborn Someone once said, “If you don’t do politics, politics does you.” #voter #politics #EverythingIsPolitical
#voter #politics #everythingispolitical
ZATTY SAID: please f(…) off with your unsolicited and unCW'ed politics in my mentions. You sound like a conspiracy theorist of the bad kind jumping in and presenting your views like that with a s(…)load of political hashtags.
What is this in relation to, Man O' War? We can't see anything with you tagged from us. Please explain what toot it was that hurt you.
Regardless, anything can be #political. As a #ManOWar can you not have a #WarOfWords?
#political #ManOWar #WarOfWords #everythingispolitical #manOWarDotSocial
Sorry , not sorry. #everythingispolitical #militantpacifist . The immediacy of hyper text reality demands we re politicize all forms of communication. CW is dumbing down and bait mongering. Check your priviledge bruh
#everythingispolitical #militantpacifist