Wow... This is both interesting and truly sad.

Japanese zookeepers finally know how Momo the gibbon who lived alone had a baby - CNN

"The (DNA) test showed the father to be Itō, a 34-year-old agile gibbon, who was in an adjacent enclosure to Momo around the time she became pregnant.

The zoo told CNN on Friday it believed that Momo and Itō had managed to mate through a small hole in a steel plate between their enclosures. The hole measured about 9 millimeters (0.3 inch) in diameter."

This is just the tip of the iceberg of our cruelty to animals but it does put things in perspective that this animal lived in isolation, on display its whole life and found a way to secretly mate through a freaking improvised glory hole.

#animals #animalrights #captivity #gibbon #zoo #everythingistrash

Last updated 2 years ago