Wishing I could make it to a #EverythingOpenJobs BoF session.
You may know me from places like Catalyst and the Catalyst Open Source Academy. I am reaching out to see who is looking for good people that care about people, the tools and the processes. People that care about open source, #DataSovereignty and helping good people do great things.
Based in Te Whanganui-aTara (Wellington, Aotearoa NZ), but also have reason to visit Melbourne and Central Coast NSW.
#everythingopenjobs #datasovereignty #jobhuntingwithian
#OpenToWork? Are you #Hiring or #Recruiting folks in the #OpenSource #Linux #GLAM #DevOps space? Looking for #FediJobs or #FediHired?
We're using #EverythingOpenJobs to share jobs and folx looking for them.
Also shout out to the @linuxaustralia Jobs page:
(free to post, public service to our community)
#OpenToWork #hiring #recruiting #opensource #linux #glam #devops #fedijobs #fedihired #everythingopenjobs
@everythingopen Fabulous, #EverythingOpenJobs does sound like a good way to help share the word about people looking for roles, and roles looking for people.
Come one, come all, share your vacant roles, share your grand desires to do great things.
@ibeardslee sounds like we need a hashtag for this - how does #EverythingOpenJobs sound?