The Green Party have stood over homelessness, evictions, screwing over institutional survivors and migrants, and much more.
They justified all this to themselves by saying it would all be worth it because if they went into government, they could reduce emissions.
#ecosocialism #ecosocialist #eco #irishpolitics #greenpolitics #greenparty #irishgreens #politics #eupolitics #evictionban #homelessness
#ecosocialism #ecosocialist #eco #irishpolitics #greenpolitics #greenparty #irishgreens #politics #eupolitics #evictionban #homelessness
Cities must take immediate action against ‘renovictions’ to address housing crisis
#Canada #Renovictions #AffordableHousing #UnaffordableHousing #HousingCrisis #Eviction #ForcedEvictions #EvictionBan
#canada #renovictions #affordablehousing #unaffordablehousing #housingcrisis #eviction #forcedevictions #evictionban
In the wake of the ending of the #EvictionBan by the FG/FF/Green government during a #HousingCrisis, @CaseyExplosion is doing a #Twitch charity fundraiser for #PeterMcVerryTrust, one of Ireland's #homeless charities.
Go, donate what you can!
#evictionban #housingcrisis #twitch #petermcverrytrust #homeless
They didn't have to do this - they chose to do it.
What we can do is choose to fight for each other.
Government must reinstate #EvictionBan, Kildare TD says
#Kildare #KildareNews #Housing #Ireland #IrishNews #HousingInIreland
#evictionban #Kildare #KildareNews #housing #ireland #IrishNews #HousingInIreland
It's a good look from #LeoVaradkar calling #PeterMcVerry a liar.
Of the two of them, it's pretty clear who I'd trust, and it's not Leo, the man who's fuelled the current homeless situation in #Ireland, but Peter, the man who's worked tirelessly to reduce it.
#irishpolitics #EvictionBan #finegael #leotheleak
#leovaradkar #petermcverry #ireland #irishpolitics #evictionban #finegael #leotheleak
😆 oh wow fantastic views! #satire #HousingCrisis #Ireland #EvictionBan #HousingForAll #EveryoneShouldHaveAHome
#satire #housingcrisis #ireland #evictionban #housingforall #everyoneshouldhaveahome
Someone on Facebook painted a scenario that if the condition for renting out are getting more strict landlords could stop renting out and selling their houses.
Can someone explain to me what the threat is in that if we keep vultures of the property market? I really don't understand why it was meant as a threat.
#evictionban #Houseprices #landlords 🎶
To the members of #DáilÉireann who voted in favour of the lifting of the #EvictionBan I have one question. Where did you sleep last night? #HomelessCrisis
#daileireann #evictionban #homelesscrisis 🎶
To the members of #DáilÉireann who voted in favour of the lifting of the #EvictionBan I have one question. Where did you sleep last night?
RT @CATUInchicore
It's not 3 hours on from the Gov voting to lift the eviction ban
🚩Our branch has doorknocked 25 households who are being evicted to organise + fight back
🚩On the other side of the canal, Dublin 3 is organising against the eviction of a young family.👇
#evictionban #joinaunion
#EvictionBan #Homelessness #HousingCrisis 🎶 'Now my cheque is spent and I can't afford the rent. There's one law for the rich one for the poor' 🎶 #mastodaoine
#evictionban #homelessness #housingcrisis #mastodaoine
RT @acrataireland
We do not demand the impossible. We demand what is inherently ours. Food, housing, health and decent living.
The world is ours to take it. It belongs to the working class of the world. We won't live under the shambles of capitalism.
#EvictionBan #HousingCrisis
So here's Finanna Fail senator Mary Fitzpatrick
completely tone deaf telling Aodhan O'Riordain he should "take a moment and stop to think about the people who are going to be affected by [Labour's] actions" for supporting the vote on the #EvictionBan
#evictionban #homelessness #housingcrisis
So here's Finanna Fail senator Mary Fitzpatrick
completely tone deaf telling Aodhan O'Riordain he should "take a moment and stop to think about the people who are going to be affected by [Labour's] actions" for supporting the vote on the #EvictionBan
#evictionban #homelessness #housingcrisis
Shelter is a human necessity. It is terrible that it, like the other necessities of life, is exploited for "profits." The #evictionban in Ireland must be fought against. It is furthur proof that neither government nor state will ever genuinely help the people, for that is against what they are made for. Only us, the people, can help us. We help ourselves. For those that will be effected by this, resist. They should not take us away from a place to live and they will not if we resist. Resist evictions. Fight landlords. #anarchism #FUCKlandlords #Anarchist #anticapitalism
#evictionban #anarchism #FUCKlandlords #Anarchist #anticapitalism
CATU (Community and Tenants Union) are holding a demonstration at The Spire at 2PM, 31st March.
The union is calling for its members — and the wider community of tenants and renters in Ireland — to resist evictions, and will do everything possible to assist union members in that goal.
Press release follows (copied from social media)
#mastodaoine #ireland #housing #evictionban #union #unions
Clodagh Finn: Medical pioneer’s fire lit by childhood eviction trauma
"There are few words that carry a more visceral charge in Irish history than ‘eviction’, other than perhaps, ‘famine’ and ‘emigration’." #eviction #evictionBan #HousingCrisis #Ireland #HousingfForAll
#eviction #evictionban #housingcrisis #ireland #housingfforall