Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
40170 followers · 38075 posts · Server

: a comprehensive database of every eviction proceeding in America for the past 16 years

Cities’ emergency sirens will play anything you send them over an unencrypted radio protocol

pledged eternal support for imprisoning marijuana users, now he’s in the business

We won’t have to kick around anymore


#5yrsago #evictionlab #johnboehner #legalweed #paulryan

Last updated 2 years ago

GhostHunter · @GhostHunter
10 followers · 182 posts · Server

much like most non profits hires very few BIPOC women to lead. While purporting an altruistic mission, they propagate inequality. I previously posted a list of A list hollywood actors that climbed their way to the top making movies where there were virtually no BIPOC characters and the N word was deployed as a plot line.

#evictionlab #racism #Nword #BlackMastadon

Last updated 2 years ago

tolortslubor · @tolortslubor
244 followers · 2830 posts · Server

@patricklee “The Eviction Lab is a team of researchers, students, and website architects who believe that a stable, affordable home is central to human flourishing and economic mobility. Accordingly, understanding the sudden, traumatic loss of home through eviction is foundational to understanding poverty in America.”

#housingcrisis #housing #housingfirst #endhomelessness #homelessness #economicmobility #economy #princeton #evictionlab #eviction

Last updated 2 years ago