This is heartbreaking. As our new blog and #CallToArms says: "despite an emerging #evidencebase, we still have far more to do to ensure people with #disabilities are recognised within #fuelpoverty policy" -
RT @guardian
As a disabled person I need electricity to keep me alive. So why is it costing me so much…
#calltoarms #evidencebase #disabilities #fuelpoverty
Listen to Professor Brendan Crabb on the Scientific reality of COVID-19 for all Australians.
#WearAMask #vaccinesPLUS #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #publichealth #MaskMandate #evidencebase #covid #letitrip
@DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19 the Chief Health Officers approach to #COVID has been brutal, inflexible and dogmatic. Even when they have been wrong. The policing approach to #publichealth has reinforced the #antivaxxers leaving no middle ground. #maskmandate ir #letitrip no transparency in #evidenceBase. Surely winning hearts and minds should be the priority.
#covid #publichealth #antivaxxers #maskmandate #letitrip #evidencebase