It's a huge healthcare day in NYC. #lifestylemedicine #evidencebasedcare #medmastodon
#lifestylemedicine #evidencebasedcare #MedMastodon
@brainpilgrim @UncoveredMyths
Patients have reductions in #qualityoflife from #conditions, and #medications, treatments, etc. treat the condition to increase #QOL. There are zero approved #diseasemodifyingdrugs available for #osteoarthritis, so I guess your simplistic cute could be true. However, #evidencebasedcare should always be the goal. Treating #pain is effective. It's true that a broken bone isn't treated by pain meds, but that's an inaccurate #pov
#qualityoflife #conditions #medications #qol #diseasemodifyingdrugs #osteoarthritis #evidencebasedcare #pain #pov
🇮🇹 Sono giorni impegnativi. Sto facendo un corso di aggiornamento per essere un buon Tutor clinico. Cerco anche di stare al passo con la vita. Arduo.
🇬🇧 Busy days. Actually doing a refreshed course, to be a good clinic Tutor. Trying to keep up with life too. Challenging. #study #studio #aggiornamento #update #updating #EvidenceBasedCare #EvidanceBasedNursing #Tutor #specialist #TutorClinico
#tutorclinico #specialist #tutor #evidancebasednursing #evidencebasedcare #updating #Update #aggiornamento #studio #study