“The #CMA should focus on modern solutions to improve our health care system. #TeamBased #PrimaryCare for everyone in Canada, #UniversalPharmacare, single entry specialist referrals and improving work conditions are just a few #EvidencedBased policy reforms to help.”
#cma #teambased #primarycare #universalpharmacare #evidencedbased
This beautiful piece of research has sprung me into a load of new resources. It takes an established #PTSD #TraumaInformedCare tool and #CoProduces it to be delivered by #Indigenous #Therapists with great outcomes #EvidencedBased #HarmReduction #CompassionateCare https://ojs.lib.uwo.ca/index.php/iipj/article/view/7488
#ptsd #traumainformedcare #coproduces #indigenous #therapists #evidencedbased #harmreduction #compassionatecare