Ah, the reason my internet bill went up is because Spectrum had to buy some politicians to block a consumer advocate from the FCC. Thanks #evilcapitalism , greedy politicians, and the continually and detrimentally gullible American conservative for supporting these crooks.
"Americans will continue to enjoy some of the worst, most expensive broadband in the world, right here in the country where the internet was invented."
Simple Example of Greedy Capitalism in a nutshell.
Closed Bag of tortilla chips appears 💯 full.
Opened Bag of tortilla chips deflates to 1/2 size, with bag only 1/2 full of tortilla chips.
😩 😩 😩
#deceptivecapitalism #greedycapitalism #evilcapitalism
Great that a major tax scam will be shut down, depressing that whole industries crop up to exploit something like this overnight and the rich get richer from it. The punishment sounds like they have to find a new way to practice #evilcapitalism. I guess this is probably the last decent legislation in the next 2 years due to GOP control of the house.
@MarkRuffalo I just saw the Dupont movie!! #dupont #evilcapitalism #anticap
#anticap #evilcapitalism #dupont