Despite their personal experience of 23 years of Russian #occupation, there are many people in #Slovakia who still do not understand that Russia is an evil empire.
The level of atrocities is incomparable between the two, but the message is clear: nothing has changed in the Russian Bear’s den.
#August1968 #1968 #55YearsAgo #OTD #RuSSia #CzechoSlovakia #NeverForget #EvilEmpire #OperationDanube
#occupation #slovakia #august1968 #55yearsago #otd #russia #czechoslovakia #neverforget #evilempire #operationdanube
Fifty-five years ago Russian fascists-disguised-as-communists invaded the former #Czechoslovakia in what was then the largest military operation in Europe since the end of the 2nd World War. The so-called ‘Operation Danube’ is now the second largest post-WW2 military operation in Europe, after the Russian fascists threw off their masks and launched a full-scale war against Ukraine in 2022.
#August1968 #1968 #55YearsAgo #OTD #RuSSia #CzechoSlovakia #NeverForget #EvilEmpire #OperationDanube
#czechoslovakia #august1968 #55yearsago #otd #russia #neverforget #evilempire #operationdanube
I don't understand how anybody can contribute to any of the Wikimadiaprojects. The Wikimediafoundation is endorsing Google by having a strategic cooperation with them. But Google is part of the evil empire who is trying to shut down the free flow of information for their own pocket-lining. If you are contributing to any Wikimediaproject you support the company who is eroding the free internet.
#google #wikimedia #wikipedia #evilempire
If only this were the mythic heads up that the #EvilEmpire is imploding. #ENOUGH
finally got what he deserved 🙌
Sounds harsh YES...but he has LONG set humanity's #EXTINCTION into rapid motion exclusively due to his EGOIC ARROGANCE. How abt his insistence on standing there at the podium unable to conjure a sound [& maybe a thought] for 30secs silent? His BRAZEN-AUDACIOUS WILL to remain in control even when it's clear -EVEN TO HIMSELF- he's NOT APPROPRIATE for that epic task.
#extinction #enough #evilempire
@Alphakilopapa @Mikerotch75 @Maiko_1820 in the day the real criticism of the #evilempire that stuck was that regimes' violation of #humanrights . Today, I think there's no left right as there was. There are just different understandings of what constitutes a human right. And the GOP is very much in line with the better values of the #aclu in its heyday. Weird but true.
#evilempire #humanrights #aclu
Dead Cells riceverà una serie animata da 10 episodi
#deadcells #evilempire #motiontwin
Dead Cells ha venduto 10 milioni di copie, aggiornamenti in arrivo fino al 2025
#deadcells #evilempire #motiontwin
@kcarruthers I’m stunned just shocked I tell you (#snark #sarcasm #bigpharma #evilempire)
#evilempire #bigpharma #sarcasm #snark
Dead Cells uscirà su PS5 ad agosto, in arrivo delle edizioni fisiche per PlayStation e Switch
#deadcells #evilempire #mergegames #motiontwin
. #dNews #Ukraine #News #Russia #Bakhmut #Putin #EvilEmpire
Russia Fire-Bombs Bakhmut
NOW — RF / Wagner bombard western areas of Bakhmut still held by AFU with incendiary ammunition. — as predicted, Putin will try everything to take the city by May 9, regardless of civilians.
Probably the same incendiary used" [on] all battlegrounds of the war in Donbas (2014–2022)." In short, EvilEmpire is doing what it has always done and will continue to do until it finally perishes.
#dNews #ukraine #news #russia #Bakhmut #putin #evilempire
RT Council of United Circassia
Thanks to @GunterFehlinger for his excellent speech
at 6th Free Nations of PostRussia Forum @freenationsrf
#DecolonizationRF #RussiaIsCollapsing #RussiaUkraineWar #Russia #EvilEmpire
#decolonizationrf #russiaiscollapsing #russiaukrainewar #russia #evilempire
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania review
Taylor explains why the latest DLC is a must-have for Dead Cells fans.
#Reviews #DeadCells #EvilEmpire #MotionTwin #ReturntoCastlevania #Review
#review #returntocastlevania #motiontwin #evilempire #deadcells #reviews
@ElectricWill @Seraphyn People like to do this, because Microsoft isn‘t trustworthy. It has been a shady company and it is still one. #halloweenpapers #USVsMicrosoft #evilempire #netscape #drdos #predatorybehavior #antitrust #linux #appleMacintosh
#AppleMacintosh #linux #antitrust #predatorybehavior #DRDOS #netscape #evilempire #usvsmicrosoft #halloweenpapers
Listen business owners, we can either promote public shaming of your terrible business practices, or we can go back to the old school where we brought rifles pitchforks and torches right up to your home. Normalize calling out tyrants. #anticapitalism #shame #workersrights #justdogood #stopbeingevil #evilempire #union
#anticapitalism #shame #workersrights #justdogood #stopbeingevil #evilempire #union
I feel almost out of place with all of you talking about leaving or hating the evil empire. I was never there really. I've not been too much for being an active web presence til now unless you count my ridiculous amount of time on Reddit. I refuse to leave until karma becomes a unit of money and I can buy a city. Or at least a town.
#Reddit #Karmapoints #Evilempire #Birdsite #KiddingNotKidding #IWonderIfTheydSellCinncinati #WeDontNeedAnotherHero
#reddit #karmapoints #evilempire #birdsite #kiddingnotkidding #iwonderiftheydsellcinncinati #WeDontNeedAnOtherHero
The US Air Force has sent F-35 stealth warplanes to South Korea to carry out maneuvers, with a New York-based analyst saying the deployment of these destabilizing weapons will likely be viewed as a First Strike threat by North Korea.