Georgia Sen. Clint Dixon wants to use Georgia's new law to remove Fani order to save Donald Trump from prosecution. #ClintDixon #Georgia #EvilGOP #GOPTraitors #VoteBlueToSaveLawAndOrder
#votebluetosavelawandorder #goptraitors #evilgop #Georgia #clintdixon
LOL. Fuck all you Republicans!
#EvilGOP #GOPTraitors #GOPCowards #EndTheGOP #Trump #2024
Republicans Could Get Destroyed If They Nominate Trump New Data Suggests
#Trump #endthegop #gopcowards #goptraitors #evilgop
Haphazard slashing to appease the ultra-rich as well as the ignorant. Gee, it’s worked so well in Florida that they’ve resurrected malaria and leprosy! #CarelessGOP #NeverDeSantis #DoneSantis #EvilGOP
#evilgop #donesantis #NeverDeSantis #carelessgop
Two law professors active in the Federalist Society wrote that the original meaning of the 14th Amendment makes Donald Trump ineligible to hold government office. LOL. Federalist Society trying to stuff 30 years of anti-democratic diarrhea and soft-serve shit back into the tube. #EndTheFederalistSociety #14thAmendment #Trump #FederalistHezbollah #GOP #EvilGOP
Conservative Case Emerges to Disqualify Trump for Role on Jan. 6 | GIFT LINK | 10-AUG-2023
#evilgop #gop #federalisthezbollah #Trump #14thamendment #endthefederalistsociety
The GOP’s only “climate policy” is actually bad for the environment.
An insidious form of climate denial is festering in the Republican Party #ClimateEmergency #GOP #ClimateDeniers #EvilGOP #VoteBlueIfYouWantToLive
#voteblueifyouwanttolive #evilgop #climatedeniers #gop #ClimateEmergency
She performed an abortion on a 10-year-old rape victim. The right vilified her. #EvilGOP #VoteBlueIfYouWantRights
#voteblueifyouwantrights #evilgop
Rep. Becca Balint Models Best Practices For Talking To Fascist Anti-LGBTQ+ Scumbags #HumanRights #TransRights #EvilGOP
#evilgop #transrights #HumanRights
No matter the Republican, the effort has set a goal of up to 20,000 potential officials in a database akin to a right-wing LinkedIn. #FuckNo #HeritageNazis #EvilGOP #GOPSedition #HeritageFoundation
Heritage Foundation Makes Plans to Staff Next G.O.P. Administration | GIFT LINK | 20-APR-2023
#heritagefoundation #GOPSedition #evilgop #heritagenazis #fuckno
This is the tab that Republicans are refusing to pay! #EvilGOP #DebtLimit #VoteBlueToLive #GOP #GOPTerrorists
Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years
#GOPTerrorists #gop #votebluetolive #DebtLimit #evilgop
I don't read the news anymore.
Need to be informed?
All I need to know is the fact that Republicans have teamed up with oligarchs, big business, and the chirstain right to wage war on the citizens of this cuntry.
#EvilRepublicans #EvilGOP #GQP #Republicans #News #NewsMedia #Media #AltFacts #FakeNews #QAnon #Christianity #Religion #Ban2ndAmendment
#ban2ndamendment #Religion #christianity #QAnon #fakenews #altfacts #Media #newsmedia #News #republicans #GQP #evilgop #evilrepublicans
Charlie Koch is weaponizing school boards and whipping parents into a frenzy. It's evil, and merits FBI investigation! #KochIsEvil #KochIndustries #CKinstitute #CharlesKoch #FBI #GOP #EvilGOP #GOPTraitors
#goptraitors #evilgop #gop #FBI #charleskoch #ckinstitute #KochIndustries #kochisevil
#BrianKemp #EvilGOP #VoteBlueToSaveEveryone
Georgia’s GOP governor signs bill that could remove local prosecutors and DAs from their jobs
#votebluetosaveeveryone #evilgop #briankemp
#GregGianforte is a well-known monster. #EvilGOP #Montana #TransRights #HumanRights
Despite Pleas From Nonbinary Son, Montana Governor Signs Anti-Trans Bill Banning Care
#HumanRights #transrights #montana #evilgop #greggianforte
There appears to be a correlation between number of guns and number of shootings! #GunControlNow #EvilGOP #EvilNRA
America’s unique, enduring gun problem, explained
#evilnra #evilgop #guncontrolnow
By all means, protect their birth. But then, fuck them!
#EvilGOP #VoteBlueIfYoureHuman
New study shows why GOP wants to stop youth voting
#voteblueifyourehuman #evilgop
I love me some #DarkBrandon! #RidinWithBiden #DemocratsDeliver #EvilGOP #VoteBlueToSaveEveryone
#votebluetosaveeveryone #evilgop #DemocratsDeliver #ridinwithbiden #darkbrandon
#EvilGOP #Iowa #GOP #EndTheGOP #VoteBlueIfYouWantToLive
Iowa Republicans Strip Away Check on Their Power
“Iowa House Republicans passed a bill Thursday, with a vote of 55-41, severely restricting what the Iowa State Auditor’s office can do to watch over other government agencies by limiting what information the auditor can access,” according to Iowa Starting Line.
#voteblueifyouwanttolive #endthegop #gop #Iowa #evilgop
This should be interesting...
Schumer announces Senate will vote on the Equal Rights Amendment this week
#BoycottNorthDakota Gee, that should be easy.
#Abortion #WomensRights #Healthcare #GOP #EvilGOP
North Dakota Governor Signs Law Banning Abortion At 6 Weeks
#evilgop #gop #Healthcare #womensrights #abortion #boycottnorthdakota
Y'all having fun killing each other? Yes, I thought so.
Gun Violence Is Actually Worse in Red States. It’s Not Even Close. 23-APR-2023 #GOPKillsBest #RedStateMassacre #EvilGOP #NRA #AbolishTheGOP
#AbolishTheGOP #nra #evilgop #redstatemassacre #gopkillsbest