@sqrtminusone @thelegendlinux And I think it's a good thing #doomemacs works so well without any work. I wouldn't have become an #emacs user without the preconfigured #evilmode setup in #spacemacs. I would have fixed my dll-hell broken vim installation instead. Maybe I'll create my own config from scratch in time, but I really like that someone had given me sensible defaults and chosen nice packages to get me started.
#doomemacs #emacs #evilmode #spacemacs
Managed to turn evil mode off in my Room Emacs config, but found that it would often "turn itself back on". Possible bug, or a feature to turn more people over to Evil mode.
So I've decided I'll give it a proper go and try the evil-tutor package and give it a fair shot.
Spent the weekend reviewing articles and videos from @daviwil and decided I'm going to try Doom Emacs. Got the basic set up working before end of work, tomorrow I'll have a proper go. Just one thing... How do I turn off evil key bindings?
@brodriguesco I've seen quite a lot of people in here moving from #Vim/#NVim to #Emacs with #EvilMode.
And I thinks it's quite alright if it better suits their needs.
But completely getting rid of #ModalEditing? Why would anyone do such a thing?
#vim #emacs #evilmode #modalediting
Welp, I've switched back to #EvilMode in #Emacs (from #meow).
I think that Meow does several very cool things, and I miss Evil not having them. It's also faster and more idiomatic to the Emacs Way.
Evil has a few advantages (for the way I use it):
- ESC and <escape> are magically the same key with no modifier nonsense
- Ex search-and-replace (:%s/old/new/g) is faster, simpler, more versatile, than meow's multi cursor Macros (if less cool)
- when evil does the unexpected, it's what vim would do. When meow does the unexpected, it breaks the modal abstraction.
So, here's what I want (and may scrape together sooner or later): either
- meow-keypad-mode as a standalone package for SPC bindings. This would keep me on evil.
- evil-esc-mode as a standalone package for fixing the DAMN STUPID ESC KEY I AM IRRATIONALLY ANGRY ABOUT, and also a way to completely/mostly disable meow in any given individual buffer. This would keep me on meow.
#introduction eleph.social #admin. Happily married since 2017. Electrical Technology (Construction) AAS, #ComputerScience BS. #Dogs saved my life. I'm #queer and #NeuroSpicy. I like #FOSS, #Emacs, #Spacemacs, #EvilMode, #OrgMode, #PKM, #Rust, #Horror, #CrustPunk, #RABM, #Cannabis, #Guitars, #Mathematics, #Electronics, #RetroComputing, #Android, #Psilocybin. Want #solarpunk #homesteading but have limited energy cuz chronic #depression. #Nihilism but #Radical #compassion. #Possums! #Pacifism
#introduction #admin #computerscience #dogs #queer #neurospicy #foss #emacs #spacemacs #evilmode #orgmode #pkm #rust #horror #crustpunk #rabm #cannabis #guitars #mathematics #electronics #retrocomputing #android #psilocybin #solarpunk #homesteading #depression #nihilism #radical #compassion #possums #pacifism
@philipabbyad I started by learning #vim and eventually switched to #emacs ( #spacemacs ) with #evilmode and thus vim keybindings inside emacs. I found it gives me the best of two worlds.
#vim #emacs #spacemacs #evilmode
Does anybody know about a good multiple-cursors tutorial? Ideally, using #evilmode and #spacemacs
Too often I find myself thinking 'I don't want to look that up right now, let me just do it by hand.' It's time to learn it once and for all!
#emacs #learnemacs
#evilmode #spacemacs #emacs #learnemacs
> Best change in :neovim: #neovim over :vim: #vim?
> nnoremap Y y$ by default :ablobcathappypaws:
This seems a *bit* like damning with faint praise. I mean, I'm thinking back to the pre-Vim-8 days, when the best change was something like "doesn't block the main thread for tasks that should run asynchronously"
(But then, I haven't really been following vim/neovim recently – I've been a satisfied #evilmode user for a few years now)
> Best change in :neovim: #neovim over :vim: #vim?
> nnoremap Y y$ by default :ablobcathappypaws:
This seems a *bit* like damning with faint praise. I mean, I'm thinking back to the pre-Vim-8 days, when the best change was something like "doesn't block the main thread for tasks that should run asynchronously"
(But then, I haven't really been following vim/neovim recently – I've been a satisfied #evilmode user for a few years now)