I've been reminded of SATURN, which aligns #scRNAseq between species. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.02.03.526939v1 #EvoDevo
Meet the lab of Chema Martín-Durán @Chema_MD, based at Queen Mary University of London, UK.
The lab studies segmented worms with spiral cleavage to understand how development is controlled and evolves to generate new phenotypes #EvoDevo
Replication and Refinement of Brain Age Model for adolescent development https://biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.08.16.553472v1
#brain #neuroscience #evodevo #braindevelopment #brainorganoids #development #psychology #cognitivescience
#cognitivescience #psychology #development #BrainOrganoids #BrainDevelopment #evodevo #neuroscience #brain
Feeling like a newborn here, trying to locate fellow scientists interested in #octopus #killifish #developmentalBiology #evodevo #neuroscience #sciencefunding
#octopus #killifish #developmentalbiology #evodevo #neuroscience #sciencefunding
For our #MidweekMovie, we are recommending that you catch up with the #DevPres talks on @the_node. The speakers, Hannah Gruner, Seth Donoughe & @allan_littlecar all use microscopy to address research questions in #evodevo.
#midweekmovie #devpres #evodevo #devbio
On the evolution of natural product biosynthesis https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37507161/?utm_source=Other&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=None&utm_content=1BkdSGR7C2ZfUX8uF1iLxLu_FmeD43McnZfu-WWUWa2ZXtAobE&fc=None&ff=20230729070003&v=2.17.9.post6+86293ac #EvoDevo #Papers
Our Biology Dept opened a tenure-track faculty position in the field of #EvoDevo
Deadline: August 31, 2023. Starting date: March 1, 2024. Send a PDF including a letter of intent, a CV including names and contact details of 3 people, a 5-page description of avenues of teaching & research, and a 1 page explaination of the contribution to the field of their most relevant contributions, to Stephane Boudreau, Chair of the Department of Biology, Université Laval #smbe2023
Upregulation of Hox genes leading to caste-specific morphogenesis in a termite https://evodevojournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13227-023-00216-w #EvoDevo #Papers
Expression of posterior Hox genes and opisthosomal appendage development in a mygalomorph spider http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00427-023-00707-9 #EvoDevo #Papers
Valencia-Montoya: what about the evolution of chemotactile receptors in other cephalopods than Octopus bimaculoides? Squid, which doesn't explore the environment in the same way, has fewer receptors, with a narrower range of specificity. Chemotactile receptors have evolved in octopuses (very diversified) and squids but not nautiles (which don't have suckers). #SMBE2023 #EvoDevo #octopus
@jopabinia great introduction to the symposium combining fossils and genomics. Also mentioning her "greatest hit": everything (decapods mostly) evolves into crabs. #SMBE2023 #EvoDevo
Ricardo Papa- Predictability of evolution by studying butterfly wing patterns.
Using wntA KO, they found out that this gene is responsible for different phenotypes in different species of butterflies of the same genus.
Optix regulatory network is divergent between these species. They found an element that exists in only two members of this group.
#SMBE23 #SMBE2023 #evolution #EvoDevo
#SMBE23 #smbe2023 #Evolution #evodevo
@twittkopp reminding me why when I teach evolution of gene expression in an #EvoDevo context I have to start with yeast results, even though it's not much of a EvoDevo model. #SMBE2023
Epigenetically distinct synaptic architecture in clonal compartments in the teleostean dorsal pallium https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37489039/?utm_source=Other&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=None&utm_content=1BkdSGR7C2ZfUX8uF1iLxLu_FmeD43McnZfu-WWUWa2ZXtAobE&fc=None&ff=20230725070003&v=2.17.9.post6+86293ac #EvoDevo #Papers
After 3 days of great interdisciplinary science of #Arthropod molting (#paleontology #evodevo #genomics #bioinformatics) in the beautiful Dolomites, we're heading to Ferrara for #SMBE2023 with the participants in our collaborative project @ISheizaf @rmwaterhouse
#Arthropod #paleontology #evodevo #Genomics #bioinformatics #smbe2023
A simple mechanism for epigenetic inheritance of silent chromatin. http://biorxiv.org/cgi/content/short/2023.07.18.549577v1?rss=1 #EvoDevo #Papers
Expression and possible functions of a horizontally transferred glycosyl hydrolase gene, GH6-1, in Ciona embryogenesis https://evodevojournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13227-023-00215-x #EvoDevo #Papers
@GullumLuvl Yes! I never understood the insistence especially in #EvoDevo of using the term #Metazoa or even "metazoans" all the time when "animals" is perfectly fine.