Strong purifying selection in haploid tissue-specific genes of Scots pine supports the masking theory
This paper from @PyhaTanja lab should be of great interest to anyone interested in #HaploidSelection and #MaskingHypothesis in #EvolGen - very elegant use of haploid #MegaGametophyte tissue.
#megagametophyte #evolgen #maskinghypothesis #haploidselection
Sampling Arabidopsis to study genomics of adaptation to soil heating on Iceland. #geothermal #adaptation #evolgen
#evolgen #adaptation #geothermal
Postdoc opportunities at Stockholm University! @jobsecoevo
Multiple positions associated with the Bolin Climate Centre - deadline to apply is August 11, 2023.
Postdocs can apply with their own project proposal.
#ECR #popgen #esebfolks #smbefolks #evolgen
Super happy for Juanita Gutierrez-Valencia who successfully defended her PhD thesis today at #StockholmUniversity. Congratulations!!! Great presentation and questions by external examiner Mario Vallejo-Marin & committee @PyhaTanja , Matt Webster & Bengt Hansson! #distyly #matingsystem #evolgen #evolution #supergenes #SMBEfolks #ESEBfolks
#esebfolks #smbefolks #supergenes #evolution #evolgen #matingsystem #distyly #StockholmUniversity