eheheh the article say that another article method spent many time to find an architecture for a small , because they used only mutation on they

BUT the article had 186 TFLOPs (9 days of searching) while the other had only 18 TFLOPs (14 days of searching)

#neuralnetwork #evolutionaryalgorithm

Last updated 2 years ago

jmmcd · @jmmcd
56 followers · 111 posts · Server

Have you ever seen an evolve to "extinction"? By that I mean that fitness is gradually improving over multiple generations and then suddenly falls off a cliff to a lower bound, and never recovers. A student saw it in some code we were hacking recently. The cause was obvious, in retrospect.


Last updated 2 years ago

Hey all, don't know what's all the fuss, I'm not even that aware of what's exactly going on twitter, but if even 10% of what I've been reading is true it's probably a smart move to split my eggs across baskets 🤔

For the ones who don't know, my name is Léo and I've been developing The Bibites, an project, for the past ~7 years.

My goal is to keep pushing the boundaries of Artificial Life Simulations forward and to never stop never stopping

#ArtificialLife #introduction #evolutionaryalgorithm

Last updated 2 years ago

Lynn Chiu the Philbio-er · @drlynnchiu
662 followers · 280 posts · Server

A of recent papers coauthored by Eörs Szathmáry on learning and evolution, covering Darwinian principles in the immune system, brain, Bayesian learning theory.

Mentioned in today's talk.


#thread #KLIAustria #KLIColloquium #Evolution #ecoevo #EvolutionaryBiology #evolutionaryalgorithm #darwin #darwinian #learning #learningTheory #bayesian #neuroscience #immunology #PaperThread

Last updated 2 years ago

Lynn Chiu the Philbio-er · @drlynnchiu
663 followers · 279 posts · Server

Today's talk at the is about the research behind Eörs Szathmáry's collaboration with Richard A. Watson.

How Can Evolution Learn?


Szathmáry is a senior fellow & board member of .

#KLI #Evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #evolutionaryalgorithm #learning #ecoevo #KLIAustria

Last updated 2 years ago