To continue our #introduction, Fox (the #photographer) studied #physics, and covered #spacescience and the work and #launches from #KennedySpaceCenter/#KSC and #CapeCanaveral/#CCAFS.
He covered the end of the #SpaceShuttle Era, including the finishing work on the #Orbiters to get them ready for display, and flying #Discovery and #Endeavour off. #Atlantis remains at the KSC Visitor's Complex Atlantis Museum.
He also covered a number of #EvolvedExpendableLaunchVehicle/#EELV launches for #NASA :nasa: , #NOAA, the #DOD, and the #NRO. Fox covered a variety of #UnitedLaunchAlliance #AtlasV and #DeltaIV #rockets, as well as the beginning of the #Falcon9's career.
Shooting the Shuttle was the best, though.
#introduction #photographer #physics #spacescience #launches #kennedyspacecenter #capecanaveral #spaceshuttle #orbiters #discovery #endeavour #atlantis #evolvedexpendablelaunchvehicle #nasa #noaa #dod #nro #unitedlaunchalliance #atlasv #deltaiv #rockets #falcon9