What do observatories have to do with electronic voting? Did some interdisciplinary #technophilosophy work at local observatory, discussing their historical and current methods and trying to figure out how to use #postphenomenology toolkit to better explain the requirements of electronic voting. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSwpWpp5NOzGQqq3dAK3KxmuJUApcF5hPFV5bhat1lHtloh7HoTEXxMLHjEyO2pVavQSWq_LZKPkDH-/pub?start=true #evoting #tõravere #estonia
#estonia #toravere #evoting #postphenomenology #technophilosophy
Blindenverband fordert umgehend E-Voting - inside-it.ch https://www.inside-it.ch/blindenverband-fordert-umgehend-e-voting-20230905 #eVoting #eGovernment
@rysiek @fnf @digitalcourage This is currently my absolute favourite of all digital rights events, but decided to do some #evoting homework instead of travelling this time. Have an insightful weekend and be assured I will keep you posted!
@AT1ST @kallekn @mattblaze @HcInfosec @jeroen I calculated 2023 parliament election results according to e-votes and paper ballots in #Estonia and it appears that they are as from different worlds. At the same time Estonian scientists contend that choice of voting method doesn't give preference to any of the political parties. I claim that this is not true and that Estonian #evoting is at least partly motivated by sort of "digital #gerrymandering". https://gafgaf.infoaed.ee/en/posts/great-divide-in-evoting/#two-separate-worlds
#gerrymandering #evoting #estonia
@kallekn @mattblaze @HcInfosec @jeroen I have elaborated on that very question in my preliminary observer report of 2023 elections in #Estonia and I contend that Estonian #evoting is not observable in any meaningful sense and because of that also the procedural aspect has substantially degraded in ~18 years of its existence. https://gafgaf.infoaed.ee/en/posts/perils-of-electronic-voting/
Im Herbst darf per E-Voting gewählt werden - inside-it.ch https://www.inside-it.ch/im-herbst-darf-mit-e-voting-gewaehlt-werden-20230816 #eVoting
Können wir jetzt bitte einen neuen Bundesklanzer haben, der das undurchsichtige Klumpenrisiko #eVoting endlich endgültig beerdigt.
Drei Kantone wollen E-Voting-Bewilligung für eidgenössische Wahlen - inside-it.ch https://www.inside-it.ch/drei-kantone-wollen-e-voting-bewilligung-fuer-eidgenoessische-wahlen-20230811 #eVoting
There have been attempts to detect election fraud in electronic part of Estonian elections from statistics, but it's hard to find much more than a form of "digital gerrymandering", which pro e-voting government parties have been using to pull more and more people into electronic voting booth, where they seem to have an advantage. https://gafgaf.infoaed.ee/en/posts/great-divide-in-evoting/ #evoting #gamification #gerrymandering #estonia
#estonia #gerrymandering #gamification #evoting
Die nächsten Pentests für das E-Voting - inside-it.ch https://www.inside-it.ch/die-naechsten-pentests-fuer-das-e-voting-20230712 #BugBounty #eVoting
IT-Sicherheitsexperten fordern Rückzug von #Mitre-Report zu US-Wahlmaschinen | Security https://www.heise.de/news/US-Wahlmaschinen-IT-Experten-fordern-Rueckzug-von-Mitre-Sicherheitsreport-9190132.html #eVoting #Digitalisierung #digitalization #DominionVotingSystems #USelections2024
#USelections2024 #dominionvotingsystems #digitalization #digitalisierung #evoting #mitre
Übrigens sagen fast alle, die von #ITSecurity Ahnung haben, dass #eVoting nicht sicher geht. Die meisten der anderen Experten wollen davon profitieren.
#eVoting ist eine ganz schlechte Idee, weil das für die meisten Menschen nicht widerlegbar #Gerücht einer Manipulation ausreicht, um die #Demokratie nachhaltig zu beschädigen.
#eVoting ist eine ganz schlechte Idee, weil nur ganz wenige Menschen, die komplizierte Mathematik verstehen, welche sicheres eVoting theoretisch möglich macht.
#eVoting ist eine ganz schlechte Idee, weil ein einfacher #DDoS #Cyberangriff eine Abstimmung oder Wahl verhindern kann.
#eVoting ist eine ganz schlechte Idee weil, weil wenn irgendwann eine #Schachstelle bekannt wird, die Manipulation ermöglicht alle möglicherweise betroffenen Abstimmungen wiederholt werden müssen.
#eVoting ist eine ganz schlechte Idee weil: Niemand sicher sein kann, dass Morgen nicht eine #Schachstelle bekannt wird, die das #Stimmgeheimnis komplett zerstört.
#stimmgeheimnis #schachstelle #evoting
Per Papier abstimmen oder erstmals die neue elektronische Stimmabgabe für Auslandsschweizer des Kanton St. Gallen zu den quartalsweisen Abstimmungen nutzen?
Drei Codes gibt es zum Initialisieren, zur Bestätigung (Kontrolle) und als Finalisierungscode. #evoting #datenschutz #wahlgeheimnis
#Wahlgeheimnis #datenschutz #evoting
After NEC kind of confirmed that 312 181 e-votes were counted illegally and Supreme Court dismissed the complaint because of deadline, I have tried to make Prosecutor's Office to discuss it under different paragraph. As expected they have found their own reasons to dismiss the case. This is indeed building up into solid ECHR article 3 of protocol 1 case, too bad I didn't do it before the e-votes were destroyed on May 12. https://infoaed.ee/interventions_2023.pdf #evoting #estonia #slides
After NEC kind of confirmed that 312 181 e-votes were counted illegally and Supreme Court dismissed the complaint because of deadline, I have tried to make Prosecutor's Office to discuss it under different paragraph. As expected they have found their own reasons to dismiss the case. This is indeed building up into solid ECHR article 3 of protocol 1 case, too bad I didn't do it before the e-votes were destroyed on May 12. https://infoaed.ee/interventions_2023.pdf #evoting #estonia #slides